Proposal: Health and Unsafety
popular 5-0 with 1 def enacted by card
Adminned at 25 May 2019 06:17:33 UTC
Replace “If an Architect’s Site has been deemed Unsafe after being Monitored, and the Site was Unsafe prior to that action, then that Architect (or the Supervisor) must Evacuate their Site by removing any and all Quarters Modules present, making the squares they occupied empty. If this has not been done in 48 hours, any Architect may do so, and the name of the Architect whose Site was evacuated shall be moved to the end of the Bidding Queue.” with:-
If an Architect’s Site is Unsafe, any Architect may Evacuate it by removing any and all Quarters Modules from that Site, making the squares they occupied empty.
Replace “If an Architect’s statistics have not been Monitored in the past 24 hours, any Architect may do so by” with “Any Architect may Monitor any Architect’s statistics at any time, by”.
Remove “An Architect’s statistics may not be Monitored if the state of their Site (i.e. Maintained Modules have been added, moved, etc.) has not changed since they were last Monitored.”
Trimming back some Monitoring clauses that seem unnecessary. I can’t see a need for the Unsafe check to immediately follow Monitoring, or for Evacuation to be applied by the owner. The 24 hour limit also seems like a superfluous bit of timing play, and opens up some odd tricks (if a player knows that adding a Block will set their moonbase on fire, they can Monitor their own site five seconds before dropping the Block, in the hope that they’ll be able to place another drop before the 24 hours expires).
The “may not be Monitored [if the Site] has not changed” line also looks unnecessary (if the Site hasn’t changed, Monitoring it again won’t change anything anyway) and will only discourage players from Monitoring each other if they have to comb through GNDT logs and the wiki edit history to see whether a Monitoring action would be legal.