Hii everybody this is my first time playing nomic but it sounds pretty cool. Read through the rule set. Waiting for some way to get food, or I guess the game resets soon :-P
What is BlogNomic?
BlogNomic is an online Nomic: a self-modifying game
where changing the rules is part of the game. Players make blog posts proposing additions or alterations to the ruleset, discussing
and casting votes in the
comments: if enough vote in favour, the rules are changed and play continues.
The game has been running since 2003 and resets every month or so. Have a look around the
wiki for more information and history. New players are always welcome and
can join in the game at any time.
"Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost every other game. The primary activity of Nomic is proposing changes in the rules, debating the wisdom of changing them in that way, voting on the changes, deciding what can and cannot be done afterwards, and doing it. Even this core of the game, of course, can be changed."
Made account: Check.
Announced arrival: Check.
Setting everything up.