Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Call for Judgment: Hey wait a minute

Timed out after 48 hours with 3 FOR, 1 AGAINST and 1 abstention. EVC clause did not trigger. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 May 2012 02:53:50 UTC

In The Reactor, replace “the Institution they nominated is Disconnected during the next Cycle” with “the Institution they nominated is Disconnected for the duration of the next Cycle”. Do not Unpowered The Reactor as a result of this change.

Set the Watchtower to be Powered and not Disconnected. Do not Unpower the Watchtower as a result of this change.

If a majority of the EVCs on this post contain the text “I guess that’s fair” and Clucky has at least four credits, reduce Clucky’s credits by four and increase his power by two.

The text of the Reactor states:

When a player influences the Reactor, they gain 5 credits. In addition, when specifying Directions to the Net, a Player may nominate an Institution to be Disconnected. When a Player influences the Reactor, the Institution they nominated is Disconnected during the next Cycle.

Kevan influenced the Reactor in Cycle 12, picking the watchtower (no one disconnected anything via in in cycle 11). Thus, “during” Cycle 13 the watchtower should’ve been disconnected.

Now how does disconnected an institution work? Note that it is different than unpowering an institution:

Whenever an Institution is created or modified, it becomes Unpowered. When a new Cycle begins, any Institution which is not Disconnected become Powered, and all other Institutions become Unpowered.

The Watchtower should’ve been Disconnected “during the next cycle”, i.e. during Cycle 13. It could’ve only been Unpowered at the start of cycle 13, but at the start of cycle 13 it was not Disconnected. As such, it should’ve remained powered during Cycle 13, only to be unpowered for cycle 14.

One could argue that “during the next cycle” to mean “for the duration of the next cycle” rather than “at some point during the next cycle” (which fixes the whole ‘the watchtower is still technically disconnected’ bug), but it was never marked with a * until 10 minutes before the cycle ended so I assumed the first interpretation was the correct one. I even pointed out that interpretation to the Net in my directions list, and he didn’t do anything about it leading me to assume my interpretation was the right one. Given the number of people who still sent a credit to the Watchtower, I can’t have been the only one to have thought that. Clearly SPC isn’t required to point out that my assumption was wrong, but its still was ambiguous, and the ruleset being stale certainly didn’t help.

So while I agree that “for the duration of the next Cycle” is both what was intended and what makes the most sense, I don’t think it is what the ruleset actually said.

Now obviously, half the power of the Watchtower has already been spoiled because SPC posted the list. I’d still like the power though at the cost I paid for it. Seems fair to me to give me the weakened power and just not give everyone else their one credit for going after the watchtower (which hurts me too because of the 96189 Pygmalion). But maybe some people don’t think its fair that I profit of this because they thought the Watchtower was unpowered. Thus I made giving me a bonus conditional.



01-05-2012 01:02:44 UTC

imperial In context, during clearly equals duration to me. That said, there appear to be honest mistakes, so the compromise is not untenable.


01-05-2012 02:43:33 UTC

against This came up before (http://blognomic.com/archive/cycle_8_resolution/), as I said then I read the rules as follows:

Due to the influencing of the Reactor, the Watchtower is disconnected during cycle 9. That is, IF (it is cycle 9) THEN (the Watchtower is Disconnected).

When a new cycle begins, IF (an institution is Disconnected) THEN (that institution becomes Unpowered).

The whole issue hinges on whether the initialization takes place at the beginning of Cycle 13 or the end of Cycle 12. Since the initialization is an event *triggered* by another event (the beginning of a cycle), I hold that is must take place after the event which triggers it, and thus an institution is disconnected for the same cycle it is Unpowered.


01-05-2012 02:44:56 UTC

Sorry, replace “Cycle 9” with “Cycle 13” in the above post. I forgot which cycle we were talking about momentarily.


01-05-2012 02:46:40 UTC

And again, I misread the proposal.  for to the rule clarification.

Josh: Imperator he/they

01-05-2012 06:33:12 UTC

for without endorsement

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2012 08:55:30 UTC

Why are you powering the Watchtower here? If this CfJ takes a while to be processed, you’re stopping anyone from using the Reactor to shut it down next Cycle.

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2012 11:47:44 UTC

against, anyway, because of the EVC clause, you shouldn’t get victory points for interpreting a rule against consensus, and you didn’t lose any credits by getting it wrong.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2012 15:47:22 UTC

Based on my interpretation of the rules, the Watchtower is still unpowered. It got set to disconnected and was never undisconnected.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2012 15:48:35 UTC

Also I *clearly* wasn’t the only one who interpreted the rule wrong. Everyone else sent a credit as well and SPC didn’t star institution so he also interpreted the rule the same way.

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2012 16:47:39 UTC

Only four other players sent a credit. And those were presumably grindy “...and 1 to everything else” non-bids.

Clucky: he/him

01-05-2012 17:24:15 UTC

You say “four players” I say “everyone who sent credits most places but Yonah”. Point remains that it was incorrectly labeled as active, which defeat the whole purpose of staring them.

Kevan: he/him

01-05-2012 17:40:06 UTC

Well, your bid on it was invalidated and you had enough money that you weren’t misled into cutting corners elsewhere. You didn’t lose anything.

The Disconnected clarification is fine, the Repowering probably isn’t going to be a problem in practice, but I’m against letting you draw victory points from an Institution that had been deliberately Disconnected. (I appreciate it’s an EVC clause, but you are asking me to vote on “should Clucky be rewarded if two people agree with him?”.)

Josh: Imperator he/they

02-05-2012 08:14:22 UTC

For the record, the EVC rider alienates me too. I’m sticking with FOR on the basis that it’s unlikely to pass, but if anybody looked like voting for the EVC I would probably switch.


02-05-2012 10:37:05 UTC

for For the clarification, against your interpretation. I think Yonah’s explained it well enough.
(And against the 2 Power thing, because I have no idea why that would be fair.)

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 15:59:10 UTC

I’m not sure what the problem with the EVC rider is - if there is enough votes for the rider to get through, there is enough votes for the CfJ to pass regardless of how you vote. (unless someone votes against but for the rider which seems unlikely)

How is it at all fair to say an institution which everyone thought was powered (even Kevan sent a credit) and which the ruleset *said* was powered was actually not powered?

Kevan: he/him

02-05-2012 16:27:26 UTC

Really? It’s the age-old EVC problem. Saying “if half the people who voted on this also said X, then make change Y” means that change Y can be enacted with only a quarter (or fewer) of players being in favour of it. As I say, you are asking me to vote on “should Clucky get compensatory victory points if he can find 2 people to agree with him?”, to which I say “no, he should find a quorum of people to agree with him”.

(I didn’t actually send anything to the Watchtower, my instruction to the Net was just to send “1 to every other Powered Institution” to get the grindy double-your-money bonus. You haven’t lost any Credits here and there was no opportunity cost to you in making the bid - it seems entirely fair to just move on.)

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 18:24:20 UTC

That doesn’t matter because you don’t need quorum to pass the proposal in the first place.

As long as we assume “no one will both vote against and vote for the rider text” then if there are a majority of voters in favor of both the CfJ and the rider text both will pass. If finding two people who agreed with me was enough, that would imply only five votes are cast. The two people who agree with me would be enough to pass the CfJ and the rider text.

Also didn’t you make my point for me if you said “1 to every other powered institution” and the net sent 1 to the Watchtower? Even The Net thought the Watchtower was powered.

Kevan: he/him

02-05-2012 21:00:06 UTC

Fair point that it doesn’t matter in timeouts, but it does matter if we hit quorum. The thing about a quorum of FOR votes is that once we reach it, we know that the other players’ votes can’t make a difference (even if they were all AGAINST) and we can move on without them. EVC riders break that - if this CfJ were to enact with a unanimous 6 FOR and 4 EVC riders, we’re ignoring only 4 potential AGAINST votes, but we’re also ignoring 6 potential EVC objections.

And no, I was rebutting your point that “even Kevan sent a credit” by explaining that I actually didn’t send any credits. I appreciate that the Net was mistaken here.

Kevan: he/him

02-05-2012 21:08:17 UTC

Or rather: we’re facing a potential 6 EVC objections, to only 4 in favour, by recognising 2 of them and ignoring 4.

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 21:55:45 UTC

okay, fair enough. hadn’t thought about that…