Proposal: Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go
Reached quorum 19 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 16 Jan 2010 10:27:53 UTC
Part 1: Add a dynastic rule entitled “Roles” with text as follows:
Each Guest has a Role, which is tracked in the GNDT. The initial Role of each Guest is “Laborer”. Within 48 hours after the enactment of this Proposal (or, with respect to a new Guest, within 48 hours after that Guest becoming active), such Guest shall, once, choose for himself a Role other than “Laborer” or “Lunatic” from the list of valid Roles set forth in a subrule to this Rule and update the GNDT accordingly, so long as no other Guest already has that particular Role; if such Guest does not do so within that time period then the Executor may choose a Role for that Guest. Once a Guest has a Role, it may not again be changed except as the gamestate or ruleset otherwise permits. If a Guest with a particular Role idles and then subsequently de-idles during this Dynasty then the Guest shall revert to the Role that he had immediately prior to idling, unless another Guest already has that Role in which case the second sentence of this Rule shall apply with respect to the de-idling Guest as if he were a new Guest.
Part 2: Add a subrule to the rule “Roles” with text as follows:
The list of valid Roles is as follows:
A. Servants (any Guest with a Role listed in this Part A may be referred to as a Servant): Butler, Cook, Maid, Governess, Gardener, Chauffeur, Handyman.
B. Gentry (any Guest with a Role listed in this Part B may be referred to as Gentry): Dowager, Aristocrat, Attorney, Professor, Colonel, Vicar, Admiral, Banker, Judge, Physician, Diplomat, Curator
C. Tradesmen (any Guest with a Role listed in this Part C may be referred to as a Tradesman): Musician, Film Director, Actor, Journalist, Secretary, Gangster, Architect, Athlete, Laborer, Jeweler, Inventor, Stonemason, Spiritualist, Mechanic, Novelist, Actuary, Apothecary, Housewife
D. Lunatic
Part 3: Notwithstanding the content of Part 2 set forth above, if the Executor casts a Vote on this Proposal and, in his EVC, specifies that any changes be made to the content of Part 2 set forth above (such as, without limitation, additions or subtractions of Roles) then the content of Part 2 of this Proposal shall be deemed revised as so specified by the Executor.
Creating a fairly-long but finite list of Roles. Roles are divided into classes (e.g. Servants) since it is anticipated that Guests who are members of certain Classes will have certain rights and responsibiliites. “Lunatic” is not available as an initial Role but is a hook for future proposals whereby someone might be converted into one. Note that the Executor isn’t a Guest and doesn’t have a Role.
Kevan: he/him