Hooch auction
I have here a hooch good for +3GPS. I also have no booty. Therefore, I am auctioning off my hooch to the highest bidder.
Bidding starts at 4 dubloons (which is what I would get for selling it at port)
To make a bid, post a comment to this notice containing the phrase “My Bid:C dubloons” where C is the amount of the bid.
If there have been no valid bids for the last 48 hours, I may close the auction. I may also close the auction over 48 hours after I post a comment containing the phrase “Going Twice.”
To close the auction, I must do one of the following:
a)transfer the specified amount from the last bidder’s account to my own, and transfer my hooch to eir motley
b)Only if the most recent bid is invalid at the time I decide to close the auction, transfer a processing fee of up to 4 dubloons from the account of the most recent bidder and repeat the process of closing the auction according to processes a and b but disregarding all bids by Swashbucklers whom I have charged processing fees this auction.
Once I take the actions described above, the auction is said to be closed and no more bids will be accepted. If I have taken neither action, the auction is said to be open and I will accept further bids.
Fine print:
For convenience, the Swashbuckler making the bid is referred to as “you.” The Swashbuckler known as “Bucky” is referred to as “I” or “me.” “Winning the Auction” means being the person who receives the hooch from me.
By posting any comment to this thread, you agree to be bound by the conditions contained in this post. You affirm that I do not make any guarentee regarding the utility of the hooch beyond its presence in your motley before you use it or otherwise dispose of it. In particular, should future proposals change the utility of hooch, I am not responsible. You agree to take the same side that I do in any Calls for Justice regarding the legality of this auction. You agree to oppose any keelhauling or plank-walking attempt towards me which occur in the 48 hours following this post and/or name this auction as a reason for the keelhauling or plank-walking. You agree to allow me to transfer booty out of your account as if you hade made the transfer, up to the amount I am entitled to by processes a and b above. To be valid, each bid must be higher than the most recent valid bid by at least 1 dubloon and less than or equal to the amount of booty you have at the time I close the auction. Bids lower than or equal to the minimum bid are invalid. Non-integer bids are invalid. Should a Call for Justice declare any part of this agreement to be invalid, the remainder of this agreement remains in effect, with the following exception: should the payment process be declared invalid, the hooch delivery will also be invalid under this agreement, and vice versa. You also agree that any breaking of this agreement by you will entitle me to the return of the hooch (if you won the auction) as well as reasonable compensation in Booty or motley. Should I take payment from you other than a processing fee and not deliver the hooch, you are entitled to a full refund. Should all bids be invalid, I keep the hooch. After the auction has been closed and payments have been made, I agree to give up any authority I might gain from this agreement.
Summary: You all know what an auction is, so conduct yourselves accordingly. The fine print is mainly to keep you guys from scamming me.
—Edit: moved phrase “In particular” in fine print
I’m closing, since there have been no valid bids in the last 48 hours (or ever). So I’m keeping the hooch.