Proposal: Horizontal Integration
Timed out and enacted, 3 votes to 2. Josh
Adminned at 31 Jan 2022 16:34:09 UTC
In “Boring Box Company”, add the following paragraph after the first:
Each Employee has an integer number of Energy points, which defaults to 1. As a daily action, an Employee may increase their own Energy by up to 2 points, for a maximum of 4. If they did not perform any Weekday Actions on the previous Weekday, they may instead increase their own Energy by up to 3 points, for a maximum of 4.
In “Boring Box Company”, replace the sentence starting “A Weekday Action is” with:
A Weekday Action is a daily action which costs 1 Energy and may only be performed on a Weekday.
Replace the rule “Departments” with the following, leaving its subrules unchanged:
Each Employee has a Department, which is their location in the Boring Box Co. facility. An Employee’s Department defaults to Reception. As a Weekday Action, an Employee may change their Department to any valid department.
The list of Departments is as follows:
* Reception
* Research Lab
* Factory
* Warehouse
* Office
Rename the rule “Research & Development” to “Research Lab” and replace its first paragraph with the following:
An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Research Lab. Employees on the RnD Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Research Lab.
Rename the rule “Manufacturing” to “Factory” and replace its first paragraph with the following:
An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Factory. Employees on the Manufacturing Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Factory.
Rename the rule “Sales” to “Office” and replace its first paragraph with the following:
An Employee may only perform actions described in this subrule if they are in the Office. Employees on the Sales Team receive twice as much Productivity for actions performed in the Office.
Immediately after the rule “Boring Box Company”, add a new rule called “Teams” as follows:
All Employees of Boring Box Co. should belong to a Team, which is either Research & Development (AKA RnD or R&D), Manufacturing (AKA Mfg), or Sales. The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team.
An Employee who is unhappy in their current Team is encouraged to submit a transfer request to the CEO. Any Employee that does not belong to a Team must be assigned one at the CEO’s earliest convenience.
If the proposal “The Winter” was enacted, after “The CEO has the sole power to set and/or change an Employee’s Team”, add “, with the exception that they are unable to change an Employee’s Team to or from On Strike, except as described in the rule On Strike”.
In the rule “Job Titles”, remove the sentence “An Employee’s Team consists of themselves and every Employee in the same Department that they manage.”
If, before the enactment of this proposal, the rule “Departments” contained paragraphs beginning with “A proposal is a Promotion Proposal” and/or “If an Employee does not”, add either of them (if only one existed) or both of them (if both existed) to a new subrule of “Job Titles” called “Promotions”
Throughout the rules “Job Titles” and “Promotions”, replace the word “department” with “team”. If the rule “On Strike” exists, replace the word “department” with “team” throughout it.
Replace the first three sentences of “On Strike” with:
At any time, an Employee may set their Department to Reception, their Team to “On Strike”, and their productivity to 0. All Employees whose Team is On Strike may be said to be Striking. A Striking Employee may not perform Weekday Actions, and neither their Productivity nor Options may be increased by any means.
Set each Employee’s Team to the last valid value they had for their Department. Set each Employee’s Department to Reception.
This is big one but I hope it is a satisfactory solution for the department dilemma. Everyone will have the freedom to do what they want, and I’ll still be able to organize teams that encourage certain people to take actions in certain departments.