Saturday, January 18, 2025

Proposal: Hot On the Trail

Add a new rule named “Law Enforcement {I}” with the following text:

Each Participant has a publicly tracked number named Evidence which is 0 by default. Each time a Participant performs a successful Heist Action, their Evidence must be increased by 1. A Participant whose Evidence is at least 3 is considered Wanted.

There is a publicly tracked Jail, which is a list of Participants and is empty by default. A Participant whose name is in the Jail is said to be Locked Up. A Participant who is Locked Up cannot take any dynastic actions except the following:

* If their Evidence is greater than 0, they may decrease their Evidence by 1 (to a minimum of 0) if they haven’t done so within the last 24 hours.
* If their Evidence is 0, they may remove their name from the Jail.

In the rule “Law Enforcement {I}” add a subrule named “Snitching {M}” with the following text:

Snitch is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select a non-Mastermind Participant who is Wanted.
* Add the selected Participant’s name to the Jail.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may Snitch, adding the selected Participant’s name to the comment in the Dice Roller when performing that Heist Action.

In the rule “Law Enforcement {I}” add a subrule named “Coverup {M}” with the following text:

Coverup is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Select a non-Mastermind Participant who has an Evidence greater than 0.
* Decrease the selected Participant’s Evidence by 1, to a minimum of 0.

As a Heist Action, a Participant may Coverup, adding the selected Participant’s name to the comment in the Dice Roller when performing that Heist Action.

A way to make trouble for Participants who get too successful at Heist Actions unless other Participants are helping cover their tracks.

You can Coverup a Participant who is Locked Up. This is intentional as a way to break them out of Jail early.


SingularByte: he/him

18-01-2025 07:14:17 UTC

I’d probably explicitly make evidence reduction into a daily action, unless there’s a specific reason to avoid that.

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