Monday, March 21, 2011

Proposal: Hunger Pangs

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 23 Mar 2011 01:19:59 UTC

Add a new rule, “Feast and Famine”:-

At any time during a weekend, any Caveman may call a Feast, unless a Caveman has already called a Feast that weekend. Upon doing so, if the Chief is carrying a piece of Raw Meat, then that Meat is removed from the Chief’s Tools and the tribe is fed. If the Chief has no Raw Meat, then the tribe must fend for themselves, or go hungry - each Caveman who is carrying Raw Meat loses one piece of Raw Meat, and each Caveman who is not carrying Raw Meat loses two Intelligence.



21-03-2011 14:13:10 UTC

against The definition of ‘weekend’ varies somewhat around the world, so this needs to be specified further (even if the western standard of Saturday and Sunday is the most obvious choice here).


21-03-2011 16:50:52 UTC



21-03-2011 18:49:59 UTC



21-03-2011 19:07:39 UTC


Kevan: he/him

21-03-2011 19:19:15 UTC

Didn’t realise it was that variable within “normal English usage”, but fair enough. Any objections to the basic mechanic, if I or someone else puts this back up for reproposal?



21-03-2011 19:36:39 UTC

The problem I see with the current Victory Condition is that the game will be soon dead: with the Knowledge system most of the cavemen can’t perform any action and this will help “Lone runners” (you, Josh, maybe me, Blacky and Chiv), not leaving a chance to people with 6-7 smartness.
I think we need a mechanics to “help the stupids” and hunger would make things just worse.
And we would need a not-proposal way to get smartness, rituals are hard for not intelligent people.
So I would vote no anyway.

Kevan: he/him

21-03-2011 19:46:59 UTC

Good points. Rituals don’t require any knowledge, though, you just have to hold a thing - perhaps the skilled Cavemen will start passing objects to others, in order that they’ll get an Intelligence bonus myself. (I’d rather have +4 Int along with three random players, than nothing.)

If anybody hands me a Stick in the next couple of hours, I’ll sharpen it and pass it back.


22-03-2011 01:56:59 UTC



22-03-2011 03:49:18 UTC


Darknight: he/him

22-03-2011 04:03:03 UTC
