Proposal: Hunting, first try
Timed out. Fails 1-3. No DNA points for anyone—Clucky
Adminned at 05 Apr 2007 18:29:15 UTC
I guess there probably isn’t much support for this proposal, but it seems like the only way to get scathing criticism is to actually post a proposal as such. Thus, here goes.
Add a new Rule titled “Feeding” with the following text:
Once per week, a Lifeform may make a Feeding attempt. To do so, e rolls DICEX in the GNDT, where X is the number of Lifeforms + 1. The Lifeform (or the Gene Pool) corresponding to the Yth Row in the GNDT, where Y is the result of the DICEX roll, becomes the target. If a Lifeform is targeted, the Feeding attempt is known as a Hunt; if the Gene Pool is targeted, the Feeding attempt is known as a Forage. The procedures for resolving a Feeding attempt are below. On a successful Feeding attempt, the Feeding lifeform gains 3 Nutrition. The Feeding Lifeform is responsible for making all changes to the GNDT that result from eir Feeding attempt.
Add a new Subrule to Feeding titled “Hunting” with the following text:
The Hunt is divided into two phases, as described below.
*Chase Phase: The Hunting Lifeform rolls DICE100 twice. If the result of the first DICE100 roll + 10*the Hunting Lifeform’s Appendages value is greater than the result of the second DICE100 roll + 10* the Target Lifeform’s Appendages value, then the Chase is a success, and the Hunt proceeds to the Fight Phase. Otherwise, the Hunt is failed.
*Fight Phase: The Hunting Lifeforms rolls DICEY DICEZ once, where Y is 2*the Hunting Lifeform’s Facial Features value + 1, and Z is 2*the Target Lifeform’s Facial Features value +1. If the result of DICEY is greater than DICEZ, the Hunt is successful. If the result of DICEZ is greater than twice the result of DICEY, the Hunt is reversed. Otherwise, the Hunt fails.A successful Hunt results in the Hunting Lifeform gaining X DNA, where X is the greater of 0.02*the Hunting Lifeform’s Body Mass value*the Target Lifeform’s DNA, rounded up, or 2*the Hunting Lifeform’s Body Mass. The Hunting Lifeform cannot gain more than twice the Target Lifeform’s DNA in this manner. The Target of a successful Hunt loses DNA equal to half the DNA the Hunting Lifeform gained, rounded down. A reversed Hunt results in the Target Lifeform gaining and the Hunting Lifeform losing DNA as if the Target Lifeform had conducted a successful Hunt on the Hunting Lifeform.
Add a new Subrule to Feeding titled “Foraging” with the following text:
A Foraging Lifeform makes a Foraging check by rolling DICE6 once in the GNDT. On a result of 4 or higher, the Forage is a success; otherwise, it fails. A Successful Forage provides 0.01*the Foraging Lifeform’s Body Mass*the Gene Pool’s DNA, rounded up. The Gene Pool loses DNA equal to half the DNA that the Foraging Lifeform gained, rounded down.
If the Proposal “A use for upgrades, Take #1” passed, replace all instances of “Appendages” in the rule Feeding with “Speed”. Replace “Hunting Lifeform’s Facial Features” with “Hunting Lifeform’s Attack” and “Target Lifeform’s Facial Features” with “Target Lifeform’s Defense”.
Since this is just copied essentially verbatim from the original post, I want to respond to some comments made there.
The choosing aspect will be addressed in my third proposal if this passes. This is also the reason for the phrasing “once per week” instead of “occasionally”.