Proposal: If this is too hard to implement can we at least do something about the spam problem?
Vetoed. It then got changed a bunch, but remains vetoed. —Excalabur.
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 23:28:55 UTC
Replace the text of each pending proposal that does not propose an alteration to the Fortress of Cheese with the text of this proposal.
Change the word ‘dimension’ in Rule 2.4 to the word ‘between’
Everything below this line has been replaced, but is retained here for posterity
Add the following inclination named “I’m already receiving too much email from this game”
Henceforth, or as soon as possible, the “Notify me of follow-up comments” check box that is displayed when commenting on a post will please not be checked by default.
In addition, another check box should be added next to the aforementioned one that reads “Gouda done better” so that players may communicate the level of effort that a comment represents. Anyone who checks the “Gouda done better” box too often must be placed in the Fortress of Cheeses’ dungeon.
Elias IX:
Oh, that’s no problem. Just go to My Account on the right hand side of the screen.
Click on Email Settings.
Uncheck “Enable email notifications by default when you post messages”!