Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ifrit Rewording

Change the text of the rule Ifrit to read

As a Daily Action, the employer of Ifrit may pay up to 8 souls to Ifrit. Then, in the GNDT roll, 1DICEX, where X is the number of souls paid divided by 2, rounded down,  plus one(1). They may then target any corporation who has more souls then they do (after souls have been paid to Ifrit) and remove souls from targeted corporation equal to the result of the dice roll.

This changes nothing, but makes it clearer



04-07-2007 00:49:42 UTC

X is the number of souls paid(total souls, not pairs), plus one(1)

This proposal cuts the power of Ifrit by half.  against .

Brendan: he/him

04-07-2007 01:41:46 UTC

True, but from the earlier draft this was obviously the original intent.  for

Brendan: he/him

04-07-2007 01:49:28 UTC

Er, and this isn’t a Proposal.

Josh: he/they

04-07-2007 08:22:22 UTC

That’s why it changes nothing, ho ho ho.


05-07-2007 15:15:41 UTC

Gah! Sometimes when I type a proposal, it asks for my password again when I submit, and I have to paste in the words again and it removed the proposal formatting. I gotta double check that… and make sure I do this right when resubmit it so it works like I want, I may have broken Ifrit if this had passed.


05-07-2007 20:35:40 UTC

Yes, this would cause Ifrit to not work how I intended. I shall leave it be, since people seem to understand how it is to work as it is.