Call for Judgment: I’m not that ugly!
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 2 votes to 3, by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Nov 2019 18:29:38 UTC
So, TyGuy seems to think he can take this round away from me... Let’s look at the rule, though:
If a Monster stopped Recovering no fewer than 48 hours ago and has not taken a Battle Action since then, any Adventurer or the Priest may make a comment on the Battle Post, beginning with “[Distracted]” and stating that the Monster has lost interest in attacking the other Adventurers.
I would argue that a material and consistent difference exists in this dynastic ruleset between the terms “Monster” and “Adventurer”, and that all references to “a Monster” are specifically taken to mean “an Adventurer while being the Monster”. I have never stopped Recovering while being the Monster, simply because I have never been Recovering while being the Monster, therefore this rule does not apply to me.
I thus contend that TyGuy has acted illegally in finding me Distracted, using an Attack Action against me and declaring Kevan to be the next Vanguard, and that my 48-hour turn properly started when I Finished Transforming (on 18 November, at 23:49:00 UTC). I ask that these facts are recognised as being Gamestate, TyGuy’s illegally made comments in the Battle Post are held to be of no effect, and any illegal changes to the Jerez wiki page are reverted with prejudice.
I also ask for an extension to my turn, so that I cannot be found Distracted until 48 hours have elapsed from the moment this CfJ closes. In case anyone thinks of running down the clock even if this is resolved in my favour…
I’ll study this more in depth later, but this might involve Kevan as a Monster, because he was “a Monster” no fewer then 48 hours ago.