Proposal: Impressing Royalty
Passes 6-1. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 04 Jul 2009 23:10:27 UTC
Create a new sub-rule, “She is in another castle” to rule “The Princess”:
Whenever a Tourist “Gets on a Boat”, “Takes a tour of the Island” or “Chooses to Tan”, they may opt to “Take the Princess with them” as well. This may only be performed if no other Tourist has successfully taken the Princess with them in the past 6 hours. That tourist makes a comment of “Taking the Princess” in the GNDT and a roll of DICE3.
On a 1, the Princess is nowhere to be found (and the action is not considered successful). On a 2 or 3 (which are considered successful), the Princess goes with the Tourist, and performs the same action that e performed (that Tourist adjusts the gamestate on her behalf per rule 2.4; if the Princess has to make a decision to complete that action, that Tourist also makes those decisions). On a 3, the Princess has a really great time and transfers 1 Shine Sprite she owns to that Tourist (this tourist performs the transfer on her behalf), but only if she has at least 1 Shine Sprites.
Transfer 2DICE10 Shine Sprites from the Tour Guide to The Princess.
I see a Princess in a faraway castle. I cross valleys and deserts, mountains and lakes in her search. I try to go and reach for her, but when I arrive, she is gone… When will I finally find her? When can I finally tell her…
In another castle, maybe? Maybe…
Amnistar: he/him