Proposal: In The Land Of Constant Waves The Contractor Is King
Enacted popular, 4—0. Josh
Adminned at 24 Feb 2024 08:40:35 UTC
Add a subrule to the rule Structures, called Embellishments:
Each Vassal may have a number of Embellishments that are publicly tracked. A Vassal may have a number Embellishments equal to or less than their Development, which is calculated as the number of upgrades they have applied to their Structures (eg a Medium Stone Wall adds 1 to their Development; a Gargantuan Moat adds 3; a small Stone Tower contributes 0).
Possible Embellishments are listed in this rule. An Embelleshment must have a name, a cost and an effect. The effect of an Embellisment may be one of the following: Combat, in which case it occurs when a Wave is charged; Passive, in which case it is always in effect for the owning Vassal; or Active, in which case it defines an action that may be electively taken by the owning Vassal according to the specifications of the effect itself.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Cost !! Effect
| Housing || Wood, Stone || Passive: Increase Capacity by Development
| Recycler || Wood, Wood, Wood || Passive: All Structure building and Upgrade costs are reduced by one Wood, to a minimum of one Wood
| Engine Yard || Iron, Wood, Stone || Passive: The effect of the Mine task is "Gain 1 Ore for every two Assigned Serfs
| Fletcher || Wood, Stone || Combat: All Enemies lose 10% of their Strength, rounded up, to a minimum of 1
| Sluice || Stone, Stone, Iron || Combat: All Enemies in the Sea theatre move to the Land Theatre and lose 1 Strength
| Folly || Wood, Iron || Combat: All Small Enemies have their Strength set to 0
| Embassy || Stone, Ore || Active: May Supplicate. Supplicating is an action that may only be carried out once by a Vassal between each Herald post. When a Vassal Supplicates, they spend Material and send a DM to the Sovereign announcing their Supplication. The Sovereign then reduces the Building Wave by 1 for each Wood, 3 for each Stone, 6 for each Iron and 10 for each Ore spent on performing this Action; they may then reduce their own Damage by 1.
If there is a Structure called Housing, remove it. If the following text appears in the ruleset: “Each Vassal’s Capacity is equal to 5, plus 1 for each Housing structure they have. Each Housing structure further increases their Capacity depending on its Size: +2 for Medium, +4 for Large, and +9 for Gargantuan” change it to: “A Vassal’s default Capacity is 5”. In the rule Waves, remove any bullet point that starts “If the Structure is Housing, reduce the Size of the Housing”.
In the rule Waves, add the following as a first bullet point:
* Apply any Combat effects from Embellishments.