Thursday, June 01, 2017

Proposal: Incentives for Charting the Antarctica

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 Jun 2017 10:41:11 UTC

1. Revise the current Exploration rule to use Blognomickian Charting Unit (BCU):

Each Explorer has an unsigned integer of Blognomickian Charting Unit (BCU) tracked in the GNDT.

2. Append new terms on Exploration rule regarding the university’s programme:

Each explorer earns one (1) BCU for each unique latitude they have travelled.

Create one Mission entry for each award from this Miskatonic University’s Antarctic Charting Incentive Programme:
For every milestone of ten (10) BCU charted in the Dynasty, The Miskatonic University automatically awards 4+1D6 Credits to be distributed only amongst the first explorers who manage to complete the particular milestone together. (E.g. there is only one award for the first explorers to have 10 BCU, then another award for the first to reach 20 BCU, and so on)

The award is distributed equally by the explorers but cannot be broken into fractions. The excessive credit value can be given to any of the explorer in the winning team or, if there is no conscensus between the team member, donated to the base camp’s supply.

3. Append this term in the Debt rule:

A Credit is a negative value in an explorer’s Debt counter. An explorer can trade each of their credit value with one (1) Supplies from the Base Camp’s supply.

Miskatonic University’s Comitee of Antarctic Research are happy to grant you even more credits for the discovery of things Beyond The Threshold. Find the signs, find them!



01-06-2017 16:24:46 UTC

We currently don’t have “Credits”, so this proposal should probably either define what Credit is or award Supplies instead.


01-06-2017 16:53:20 UTC

I have defined what a “Credit” is in the amendment of Debt rule (proposal point 3).


01-06-2017 17:02:29 UTC

Since credit is negative, would gaining credits increase your debt?

Making sure I’m reading this right, does point #3 allow someone to spend their Debt value to gain supplies from Base Camp?


01-06-2017 18:27:38 UTC

I am really really really suspicious of the wording of this milestone thing.

Are we talking about the total BCU charted by all Explorers, or about the BCU charted by one Explorer?

If the former, who qualifies as part of “the first explorers who manage to complete the particular milestone together.”? Every Explorer who has a nonzero amount of BCU charted? Or every Explorer whose amount of BCU charted has increased since the previous multiple of ten was reached?

If the latter, then why is Explorers plural?

“The excessive credit value can be given to any of the explorer in the winning team” << what is a winning team? Was the multiple of ten supposed to be reached in the total of BCU charted by one Dog Team? There was no previous mention of Dog Teams in that rule!

The Credits mechanism is also very suspicious. Do you simply mean that Debt can take a negative value, and that the Exploration bonus reduces Debt by 4+1D6 ?


01-06-2017 20:19:11 UTC

The idea is that Credit is the opposite of Debt


“Since credit is negative, would gaining credits increase your debt?”

No, no, gaining credit will reduce debt (Yes, Cpt_Koen, exploration bonus reduces Debt by 4+1D6). Proposal #3:

A Credit is a negative value in an explorer’s Debt counter.

So, this sentence basically means that:
+ credit value is tracked with an explorer’s Debt counter/tracker in GNDT
+ a credit is a negative value, i.e. a value < 0

So, the clause “MU awards you with 6 Credits” means that you earn -6 Debt (add -6 to your Debt tracker).


“Do you simply mean that Debt can take a negative value?”

Yes, Debt rule allows Debt to be negative. E.g. say, you have 3 point in your Debt (you do have a debt), then you receive 5 Credits = -5 Debts from MU. Now you have 3 + (-5) = -2 Debts tracked in GNDT. At this point, you (Explorer) have a negative value in your Debt tracker/counter, it means now you currently have 2 Credits (you don’t have any debt, you do have credit) because, as in proposal #3:

A Credit is a negative value in an explorer’s Debt counter.

Only when you have Credit (i.e., again, negative value in Debt track), can you trade for Supplies. Continuing the example before, because you have -2 Debts = 2 Credits, you can buy 2 Supplies and ends up with 0 Debt = 0 Credit.


01-06-2017 21:16:10 UTC


“Are we talking about the total BCU charted by all Explorers, or about the BCU charted by one Explorer?”

“There was no previous mention of Dog Teams in that rule!”

Yes, I admit the wording around the milestone is quite confusing because I decided to remove the redundant mention of “Explorer” word in the rule.

The goal is to reward the most adventurous explorers. And yes, I am intentionally not mentioning Dog Teams in the proposal because by the current active rules, it is assumed that naturally each explorer can travel either alone or in Dog Teams. All explorers travelling together in Dog Teams are eligible to track the unique latitude travelled together. If there are any additional means to travel/explore, there is no need for an amendment because this rule is not limited by a specific exploration mode.

Because BCU is only tracked on each explorer, the award can only be given to:
+ an explorer
+ or several explorers in one same Dog Team
who have a multiples of 10 BCU in their GNDT (10, 20, 30, ...) the first time in the whole Dynasty.

E.g. If there are 5 explorers in Dog Team X, but only 3 of them have reached 10 BCU, then the award of 4+1D6 is distributed only between those 3 explorers. If in the next minute there is one another explorer who travels to a new latitude and have 10 BCU, he doesn’t earn the incentives for 10 BCU Mission because Dog Team X already wins the award by becoming “the first explorers who manage to complete the particular milestone together.

The choice of plural word and emphasis on together tries to avoid a single player who initiates the Dog Team movement (and updates the GNDT earliest) to try to claim the award for themselves herself/himself.


02-06-2017 00:21:21 UTC

Oh, for some reason I had missed this very important sentence:
“Each explorer earns one (1) BCU for each unique latitude they have travelled.”

But why do you want to create Mission entries for these awards? They don’t appear to work like normal Missions.


02-06-2017 05:23:36 UTC

against since these proposals are rather large and seem to do a number of changes that could be more efficiently done in a different way.

Kevan: he/him

02-06-2017 08:03:32 UTC

against Per Card. Also seems redundant to add a variable called “Blognomickian Charting Unit” when we already have one called “Square Miles Charted” that’s doing nothing.


02-06-2017 08:11:27 UTC

against per above. Debt at the moment can not be negative either, if I’m not mistaken since the default range for numbers is a non negative integer.


02-06-2017 09:48:26 UTC

I’m self-killing this rule. I’ll repropose them as chunks and clarify the wordings.

Card: Noted, will drop clean up attempt via rules and use regular proposal instead.

Sphinx: No, there is no rule that says a Debt cannot be negative. It starts at 0 but there is no mention of the number format (other variables does mention non-negative constraint, but this one doesn’t have one).

Each Explorer has a Debt value, which starts at 0 and is tracked in the GNDT under “Debt”.

Kevan: The proposal was to revise the Square Miles Charted tracker to BCU (point 1) and <strong>add</srong> the utilisation of that tracker (point 2). But then Steady Mercury got accepted and BTU is replaced with Celcius. So it is no longer make sense to standardise charted exploration to use BCU because BTU doesn’t exist anymore. But, yes, I am pulling this down.

Kevan: he/him

02-06-2017 09:56:30 UTC

Ah, I missed the “Revise”.