Saturday, March 31, 2012

Proposal: Institutional tinkering

Timed out and failed, 5-2. Josh

Adminned at 02 Apr 2012 00:49:39 UTC

If there is an institution called “96189 Pygmalion”, add the following to the end of its description:

Galatea may not achieve or declare victory. If Galatea is ever in a position where they would, otherwise, have achieved victory, then 96189 Pygmalion becomes Unpowered and continues to be Unpowered until this is no longer the case.

If a majority of the EVCs on this proposal contain the text “keep it as it is”, then ignore the following provision. Add the following to the beginning of the description of the institution called “The Rebels”:

A Player may only Influence the Rebels if they allocated no Resources to any Institution in the preceding Cycle.



31-03-2012 07:50:54 UTC



31-03-2012 14:00:56 UTC

against and keep it as it is if it does pass.


31-03-2012 14:12:26 UTC


Galatea may not declare victory anyway, as it is only a player for the purposes of dynastic rules.

Besides, making 96189 Pygmalion Unpowered does not make it less of a Player, unless one amends its description to read “If the 96189 Pygmalion is Powered, then the Galatea counts as a Player for the purposes of every Dynastic Rule”; but this would make Influencing the Pygmalion less interesting, and maybe paradoxal since “actions that would be legal for the Galatea to take” wouldn’t make much sense any longer when the Galatea is not a Player.

Lastly, “Galatea may not achieve victory” is not really effective. If a rule reads “the Player with the most Power Achives Victory” and the Galatea has the most Power, forbidding it to win doesn’t make any other (real) Player be “the Player with the most Power”.
I think if one rule says the Galatea would achieve victory and another says it may not achieve victory, then it doesn’t achieve victory, so no one does. And since it cannot declare victory anyway, “no one achieves victory” has the same effect as “the Galatea achieves victory”.

I don’t really know what the Galatea may be useful for, it just sounded interesting; we currently don’t have transfer mechanics, so I guess it’s only useful to “block” an Institution by having the Galatea Influence it (or other interaction mechanics, like having it Direct one credit to the Bank if you plan to Influence the Bank, etc.)


31-03-2012 14:35:46 UTC


Josh: he/they

31-03-2012 15:19:00 UTC

@Koen - the reason for the specific Galatea clause I suggested is because we don’t know if the current victory condition will stay the same, and even if it doesn’t, we don’t know how Galatea will interact with future rules. It’s not inconceivable that a rule will come in that allows players to transfer resources, for example. This change is not intended to eject Galatea from the ruleset, just make her inaccessible when we get towards endgame.

(Your point in the second paragraph is a good one, but it’s an entirely different bug. This proposal doesn’t affect it in any way: Galatea being in a position to achieve victory prevents anyone else from doing so under the status quo. Another proposal will be required to fix that, but it’s a separate issue from anything that this proposal interacts with.)


31-03-2012 16:35:25 UTC



31-03-2012 16:40:07 UTC



31-03-2012 18:39:23 UTC

imperial also keep it as it is