Declaration of Victory: Announcement: Invasion???
Rule 1.2: For the purposes of the Ruleset, excluding Rules 1.1, 1.2 and 1.8, Idle Scripters are not counted as Scripters.
Rule 1.9: If a Scripter (other than the Producer) believes that he has achieved victory in the current Dynasty, he may make a post to the Blognomic weblog in the Declaration of Victory category, detailing this.
Rule 1.9 says that only scripters can make DoVs. Idle scripters are not counted as scripters for the purposes of Rule 1.9. Comex is idle. Therefore, this is illegal.
Also, I’m mentioned twice. Once as Darth and once as Cliche. -Darth
Adminned at 23 Mar 2009 15:04:35 UTC
Without objection, I intend to put each of the following on hold:
404NOTFOUND, aaronwinborn, Aemos, AgentHH, ais523, ajhager, Alcazar, alethiophile, Allispaul, Altharis, Ambi Valent, Amnistar, Angry Grasshopper, aran, Armayus, Ar-Pharazon, arthexis, Axeling, Axiallus, BabylonJasmine, Bahro, banana, Banja, Beane, Ben, Billy Pilgrim, Bluebottle, BobTHJ, Brainslug, Brendan, Bucky, Cafemusique, captpir8, CaptTwinky, Cascadia, Cavaliere Pugrins, Cayvie, Cheater, ChinDoGu, Chivalrybean, Chronos Phaenon, Ciaran, Cliche, Clucky, cmealerjr, CodexArcanum, Coldspell, Combustable, comex, coppro, Corlindale, Cosmologicon, Craig, Damanor, danopato , DarkElf, Darknight, Darth, David Mega, Da Vinci, Denis Brandao, Devenger, Dirk, dogfish, Doodle, Doremi, Dreson, Dr Zed, Duke, Dunam, Dustin, Dvorak Herring, Edometheus, ehird, Elias IX, E.lite, Eljefe, Elysion, Enderbean, epylar, Escher, est, Euthydemos, Excalabur, Fidelio, Fjom, Garran, garrinok, Gazanga, Gazebo Dude, Gill_Smoke, Glod, Gnauga, Gobleteer, Goethe, gr4nf, Gramira, Greth, Grey, Gwydion, harblcat, Hello Sailor, Hix, Hobbes, Hockeyruler, Iammars, Icarus, Igthorn, Inauspicious, Influenza, Iron, Iron Man, Isolde, Ivan Hope, j, Jacek_FH, Jack, Jamuraa, jay JelloGoesWiggle, Jeid, jmrdex, Jockawo, Joe, joe371, Josh, JoshuaGross, Jupiter, Kaddar, Kahbn, Kamikaze, Keitalia, Kels, Kelvin, Kevan, Kurt, Lambert, lars atomica, Leurez, Lex10, Logan, Lugosh, Lunaetic, LykeX, Mal3, Masked Jedi, Mescad, Mickey, mistarr oconnell, Mnemosyne, Moonwryn, Murphy, Nephandus, Night, Noah, Notafraud, Octave, Oni Tainlyn, Oracular rufio, Orkboi, Ornithopter, OscarMeyr, ovangle, Oze Pangolin, Paladin, patio11, Pavitra, peacefulwarrior, Person, Personman, pikhq, Plorkyeran, Poe, predisastered, Psychotipath, Purplebeard Qapmoc, Quazie, Qwazukee, Ralff, Rhontos, Rodlen, Rodney, Rotwang, Royce, Saki, Salamander , Satyr Eyes, Saurik, Scaramouche, Schrodinger’s Cat, sctfn, Seebo, Seeking, Seventy-Fifth Trombone, sgeo, Sgeo, Shade, ShadowClaw, shallowminded, Sheelawolf, Shoji, Siege, Simon, SingularByte, Sir Toby, sixsidepentagon, Slipjig, Smith, Snowballinhell7001, Soyweiser, Sparrow, SPBM, spikebrennan, Spitemaster, Syl, TAE, Tagone, Taral, Tekneek, tem2, Tesla4D, teucer, The Cube, The Doctor, The Lone Amigo, Thelonious, TheSmokingMan, Thorolf, Thrawn, Tiberias, Tiger, TigerMoth, Token, Tommy, Topher, Tripwire, Truman Capote, Vee, ViewtyJoe, vostibackle, w1n5t0n, Wakukee, Warrigal, WildCard, Wittgenstein, woggle, Wooble, Wooden Squid, Woofy, Worthstream, Xaxyx, Yagyu Jubei, Yally, Yoda your mother, Zaratustra, Zebra, Zeofar, Zephyr, zuff