Thursday, June 08, 2017

It was all a dream!

It was all a dream! A dream that deviated slightly from reality. So now I set out and prepare a new camp as dictated by the dream, only with a better name and description.


1. Take 17 Supplies from Boot Camp (Orkboi supplies 3 -> 20 ; Orkboi debt 0 -> 17)
2. Move to Base Camp (Orkboi location Boot Camp -> Base Camp, supplies 20 -> 19)
2. Exit Base Camp (Orkboi location = Base Camp -> Orkboi location = 82d)
3. Explore (Orkboi location 82d -> 84d, supplies 17 -> 16)
4. Explore (Orkboi location 84d -> 86d, supplies 16 -> 15)
5. Establish Camp “Science Camp” (Orkboi supplies 15 -> 12 ; new camp created ; location 86d -> Science Camp)

Since the previous combo was illegal, doing it again correctly.



09-06-2017 07:12:59 UTC

You get to make a “Mission Hand-in” post now.


09-06-2017 12:38:57 UTC

“The maximum amount of Supplies an Explorer can have is ten times the amount of Dog Sleds they have.”

You couldn’t have taken 17 supplies. No Combo.


11-06-2017 18:52:12 UTC

Did I not get a dog sled for completing the mission “Boot Camp Supply Delivery”?


11-06-2017 21:54:00 UTC

Nope. Not until Sphinx stamps the mission hand-in.