Monday, February 20, 2023

Call for Judgment: Items who?

Timed out 2 votes to 3. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 Feb 2023 12:06:12 UTC

In the rule “Location”, change the Action of Pork Curing Shed to:

If a Villager has 1 or more Meat in their Inventory or Stash, they may remove 1 Meat from their Inventory or Stash to add 5 to their Heat from curing the Meat, cooking it, and eating it

“has 1 or more Meat in their Items” doesn’t work since you don’t have Items, you have an Inventory/Stash


Josh: he/they

20-02-2023 11:44:02 UTC

“Each Villager has a visible Inventory, which is a publicly tracked list of zero or more Items and zero or more Adjectives”

“Each Villager also has a Stash, which is a secretly tracked list of zero or more Items”

against on the grounds that this is unnecessary as things stand.

Kevan: he/him

20-02-2023 15:53:16 UTC

The “Meat” rule has the same issue (“A Villager who has at least 1 Meat…”).

for on the grounds that is disagreement over whether an action would work, if Lendunistus thinks that it doesn’t and others think that it does, and worth clarifying on that basis.

I’m not sure how we’d handle someone declaring they were eating some Stash Meat but refusing to reveal what their Tell was a hash of, though.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-02-2023 17:08:08 UTC


I agree with Josh that we’ve already established that Inventory is a list of Items, so there should be no difficulty there.

As far as using Items directly from your Stash, I disagree that this should be allowed for some Items and not others. Either we say that all Items in your Stash count as holding them, or none of them do. Currently, the rule is:

A Villager is only considered to be holding an Item if it is present in their Inventory.

So the Stash does not count. If lendunistus wants to change that, let’s change it at the source, not just for one Item.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-02-2023 17:10:52 UTC

That said, I’d support a Proposal that fixes up the Meat rule and Pork Curing Shed Action to specifically state “Inventory” or “holding”. I don’t think it needs to be a CfJ.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-02-2023 17:22:43 UTC

I decide to go ahead and use a slot to put my money where my mouth is.

Kevan: he/him

20-02-2023 17:22:52 UTC

The Meat rules don’t use the word “holding”, is the problem, they just require a player to “have” a Meat Item, and we don’t know what that means.

This question is definitely worth the focus of a CfJ if we’ve now found out that at least two people think that “has 1 or more Meat in their Items” counts Stash Meat and at least two think it doesn’t.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-02-2023 17:34:29 UTC

Ok, I can be persuaded on the use of a CfJ, but unfortunately this one goes in the opposite direction I think it should, on the basis that no other Item can be used directory from a Villager’s Stash, making Meat a slightly more powerful item than the others.

Kevan: he/him

20-02-2023 18:07:51 UTC

I’d agree on the direction it should go in, I’m just voting to clarify how I think it already works.

I guess CfJs can be a bit opaque on whether the question is “what does this rule mean?” or “what should...”

Brendan: he/him

20-02-2023 21:11:43 UTC

against In favor of JonathanDark’s proposal.