Proposal: It’s always funny until someone gets hurt.
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Adminned at 14 Aug 2006 12:15:01 UTC
proposal: It’s always funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it becomes hilarious.
It’s always funny until someone gets hurt:
Every time someone pulls a prank (like Thelonious’s light blocking), if the “Time Joker”tells em “it’s your birthday”, the prankster gets a 1DICE20 influence bonus.
The Time Joker:
1. Every new week, the Time Joker selects a new Time Joker.
2. Nobody can be the Time Joker twice.
3. The new Time Joker will be the most “trouble making” traveller that hasn’t been ajoker yet.
4. The Time Joker can often say “it’s your birthday”. to someone who made a prank sincethe last time the Time Joker said “it’s your birthday”.
5. The Time Joker can’t give bonus to emself.
6. The Time Joker has tripled range when range moving.
7. The Time Joker can’t say anything in comments except “it’s your birth day”, “hahaha”,“hehehe” and the like until e sais “it’s your birthday” to a prankster atleast once.
8. The Time Joker can not declare victory while in duty.
9. The first Time Joker is the Arbiter, unless more than half of the comments request“xxx is the joker”, when xxx is a traveller’s name.
epylar: Idle
REQUEST: aran is the joker.