Proposal: Jump Up Jump Up And Get Down
Timed out and enacted, 8-0. This message by Josh, actual admining done by pokes
Adminned at 25 Oct 2021 12:39:52 UTC
Add the following as a fourth bullet point to the Atomic Action described in the rule Buyers:
*Secretly randomly order the integers 2 through 16 twice and assign the numbers in that order to those same Buyers as their Desired Quality.
Add the following as a new rule to the ruleset, called Open House:
As a weekly action, a Realtor may hold an Open House, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
*Select a House for which they are the Seller; that House is the Property for this Open House.
*Advertise, by publicly stating that they are holding an Open House, naming the Property, in the #current-dynasty channel on Discord, in a comment on any open Proposal, or as a comment in the BlogNomic dice roller.
*Randomly select ten Buyers; these Buyers are the Attendees for the Open House.
*For each Attendee, compare their Desired Quality to the sum of the Property’s Condition and Appeal; any Attendee for whom their Desired Quality is the higher value are not interested and leave, ceasing to be Attendees.
*Each remaining Attendee makes an Offer that is equal to their Bucks.
*The Realtor conducting this Open House may (but does not have to) select a single Offer to accept. If they do then the Property and the Attendee whose offer they accepted are removed from the gamestate, and that Realtor’s Bucks are increased by the value of the Offer.
*The Realtor must then make a post to the blog summarising the events of this Open House.
Generate a Desired Quality for any Buyer who doesn’t have one, as a random value between 2 and 16. Remove the last paragraph of the rule Buyers.
A reimplementation of House of Pain, which takes out the impact of ghosts and traps in the interest of initial legibility - those will have to be added back in by later proposal, I guess
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
The buyers rule already has a on/ off switch for buyers (looking/ not looking), why not just use that?