Sunday, August 24, 2014

Proposal: Junk So Bad, You’d Pay to Get Rid Of It!

Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Aug 2014 03:26:09 UTC

Reword Rule 2.11 Junk to:-

As a weekly action, any Seller may Search their Trash Bin for Junk by rolling a DICE20 and a DICE10 and gaining an amount of profit equal to the positive difference between the results of the two rolls.

The important bit here is “equal to the positive difference”. Making implicit something we were apparently taking for granted.


Kevan: he/himIdle

24-08-2014 19:28:10 UTC


Sylphrena: Idle

24-08-2014 20:52:38 UTC


BellEt: Idle

24-08-2014 21:26:32 UTC

against I explicitly designed the rule so that it would be the absolute value.

ayesdeeef: Idle

24-08-2014 21:37:48 UTC


lilomar: Idle

24-08-2014 21:45:06 UTC


lilomar: Idle

24-08-2014 21:46:50 UTC

Difference between two numbers is usually taken to mean a positive value. It’s the distance between them on a number line. But people also use “difference” to mean “subtract the second number from the second”.

lilomar: Idle

24-08-2014 21:47:58 UTC

*Second from the first.*

RaichuKFM: she/herIdle

24-08-2014 22:06:43 UTC

Difference between two numbers is subtraction by default, I thought? Also, technically “positive difference” breaks on a zero but that is irrelevant.

ayesdeeef: Idle

24-08-2014 22:06:51 UTC

okay, I was thinking of it in the second regard. I think a definition in the Appendix is a good idea though.

RaichuKFM: she/herIdle

24-08-2014 22:06:59 UTC

for oops

ayesdeeef: Idle

24-08-2014 22:08:43 UTC

A Definition in the Appendix could include a line about what Raichu mentioned, if that’s necessary.

Sprucial: Idle

25-08-2014 03:40:39 UTC
