Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Proposal: Kessler Syndrome

Passes 7-0 with Quorum FOR.  +2 Fuel. -Bucky

Adminned at 27 Nov 2014 02:30:13 UTC

If a rule exists called “Once-an-Orbit Actions”, repeal it.

To the last paragraph of the rule “Local Maneuvering”, add:-

The Shuttle may then optionally perform a single Knock-On Action.

In the rule “Derelicts”, replace the sentence beginning “Any Shuttle with the same Orbit as a Derelict” with:

Any Shuttle with the same Orbit as a Derelict may, as a Knock-On Action, cause that Derelict to take a GNDT action.

Changing the “take an action any time between two manoeuvres” mechanic to “take an action immediately after a manoeuvre”, given that we aren’t keeping visible track of whether players have taken that action or not.

(“Once-an-Orbit” seems like an unintuitive name for these actions because a player could easily perform many Once-an-Orbit actions during a single “Orbit” of a moon, if the metaphor for Orbit Numbers is that going from 1 to 20 and back to 1 will take you around Ganymede once.)



25-11-2014 15:04:28 UTC

I like the idea of Knock-On Actions.  I think there’s still a place for what we’re currently calling “Once-an-Orbit” actions, although they might need to limit them to 24 hours after maneuvering.  And the limit to one Knock-On Action per move might be oppressive if we add too many types of them, but if that comes up, we can add Knock-Ons to other actions.

  for for now.

Seventy-Fifth Trombone:

25-11-2014 19:47:52 UTC



25-11-2014 20:43:31 UTC



25-11-2014 21:58:56 UTC



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27-11-2014 01:28:16 UTC
