Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Proposal: Kickbackstarter

Reached quorum 4 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Dec 2015 18:20:37 UTC

To the rule “Money”, add:-

Money values may be non-integer, to one decimal place.


Tantusar: he/they

09-12-2015 00:53:02 UTC


Josh: he/they

09-12-2015 13:36:51 UTC



09-12-2015 16:29:24 UTC


quirck: he/him

09-12-2015 19:35:32 UTC

against I prefer integers


10-12-2015 11:45:12 UTC

against intergers are better

Kevan: he/him

10-12-2015 12:20:45 UTC

In case the intention of this proposal isn’t obvious, it’s to allow players to meaningfully bribe one another. (If I want you to support my Chairperson bid so that I can earn an extra 1 Money from it, it’d be useful if I could offer you a 0.3 Money cut, rather than all or none of it.)