Proposal: Let’s Get Cracking
Timed out, 3-1 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 28 Jan 2024 06:25:37 UTC
In the rule “The Mainframe”, add the following text:
Each Agent has a number named ‘’‘CPU Cycles’‘’ which defaults to 1.
In the rule “Clients” add the following text:
A ‘’‘Brute Force Attempt’‘’ is a pairing of a number named Progress and the name of an Agent. Each Client has a list of Brute Force Attempts, defaulting to an empty list.
A ‘’‘Passcode Complexity’‘’ is a derived value that equals the number of characters a Client’s Passcode has, multiplied by how many of the following criteria (which should be a number from 1 to 3) one or more of its characters meets: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers.
In the rule “Shell Commands”, add a subrule named “Brute Force” with the following text:
{{Flair top|Shell command}}
As a Daily Shell Command, a Client may ‘’‘brute force’‘’ a ‘’‘Target’‘’, which is the name of another Client other than this one. If the name of the Agent performing the command is not in the list of Brute Force Attempts for the Target, the Mainframe should add an entry to that list with the Progress set to 0 and the Agent set to the name of that Agent.In the entry of Brute Force Attempts for the Target that matches the name of the Agent performing this command, the Mainframe should add the Agent’s CPU Cycles to the Progress of that entry. If that entry’s Progress is equal to or greater than the Target’s Passcode Complexity, the command succeeds, and the Mainframe should secretly communicate the Target’s Passcode to the Agent. Otherwise, the command fails and may not be reattempted that day. On failure, the Mainframe should include the Target and the value of that entry’s Progress in the description of the failure reason and in the Client’s (not the Target’s) Log, but must not include the Target’s Passcode Complexity in either the failure reason or the Log.
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