Proposal: Let’s get things going. II - when things get actually going.
Times out and Fails 1-8. ~lilomar
Adminned at 28 Apr 2011 13:39:51 UTC
Add a new Dynastic Rule, “In the beginning”:
Twice per Dynasty, each player may Initialize.
To Initialize they shall comment in the GNTD about their intention and roll DICE10.
Depending on the result, they may then execute one of these orders in the way described in Rule “Sell Orders”, with the Market as the Seller and theirselves as the Buyer:
* on 1 or 2, order is SELL 5 XEX @ $10;
* on 3, order is SELL 10 XEX @ $15;
* on 4, order is SELL 15 BNS @ $25;
* on 5, order is SELL 5 BNS @ $20;
* on 6, 7, 8 or 9, order is SELL 5 GBT @ $5;
* on 10, order is SELL 24 MMX @ $30
If the order they may execute does not satisfy the restrictions stated in rule, they may not execute it, and they may roll again.