Saturday, June 18, 2011

Proposal: Let’s swing the broom!

Reached a quorum 8-0.—Yoda

Adminned at 20 Jun 2011 08:56:25 UTC

In the subrule “The House” of the rule “Farmland” change

If a zombie moves into a house at any time and its Plot is owned by a farmer, that Plot is marked as destroyed on the Garden Patch, and is no longer owned by any farmer although it continues to be tracked. The former owner then receives a new Plot that is immediately below a random plot


If a zombie moves into a house at any time and its Plot is owned by a farmer, that Plot is removed from the Garden Patch. Zombies and Crop removed in this manner are not considered to be destroyed for the purposes of the rules “Zombejuice” and “Storage Space”. The former owner of the removed Plot then receives a new Plot that is immediately below a random plot

Remove all plots marked as destroyed from the Garden Patch. Zombies and Crop removed in this manner are not considered to be destroyed for the purposes of the rules “Zombejuice” and “Storage Space”.

As of now, for someone to win, at least all farmers but himself and Yoda have too loose their plots at least once. It is more probably, that even more plots are lost in the meantime. If we let all destroyed plots stay in the Gamestate like we do currently, Yoda will have a hard time tracking all those zombies he has to summon there, too. I do not see the fun in having destroyed plots everywhere full of Zs wandering around.



18-06-2011 23:55:07 UTC

Come on, hit me! :-)


19-06-2011 00:13:00 UTC



19-06-2011 00:24:09 UTC

for Thank you, I was meaning to get around to proposing this.


19-06-2011 01:38:11 UTC

for Very practically and efficient (not to mention helps my Yoda).


19-06-2011 02:53:02 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

19-06-2011 06:48:07 UTC



19-06-2011 11:54:41 UTC



19-06-2011 20:14:24 UTC
