Friday, June 20, 2008

Proposal: Lightsaber Duels, Part 5

Passed…slowly.  6 for, 1 of them with the effect. Effect fails. —Rodlen

Adminned at 25 Jun 2008 19:08:20 UTC

This is mostly just filling in some holes from the last proposal.

Add the following text after the first paragraph of 2.14.1 Rounds:

If, after 24 hours have passed since the current round began, a Duellist has not made a choice for that round, he is considered to have retreated.  If, after 24 hours have passed since the current round began, both Duellists have not made a choice for that round, the Duel is over and there is no winner.

Once the DDA Commander or Admin who is receiving the PMs (hereafter called the Mediator) has received each Duellist’s attack or defence choice, he shall go on to administer the effects of each Duellist’s choice.  If both Duellists chose a defence, both defences fail, no effects are administered, and the current round ends.  If one of the Duellists chose a defense, the effects of that defence are administered before the effects of the other Duellist’s attack.  If both Duelllists chose an attack, the effects of those attacks are administered starting with the attack closest to the bottom of the list in the sub-rule 2.14.2 “Attacks”.  Once all effects have been administered, if the Duel still does not have a winner, the current round ends.  At the end of each round, the Mediator shall make a comment to the Duel Post stating the choices of each Duellist, the effects of those choices, and who the winner is (if there is one).  At that point, the next round begins.

Add a sub-rule titled “Locked in Combat” to rule 2.14 Duelling with the following text:

When the Duellists become locked in combat, the Mediator shall roll a DICEX and DICEY in the GNDT, where X is the Challenger’s STR statistic and Y is the Contender’s STR statistic.  If the result of the first roll is greater than the result of the second roll, the Challenger wins the Duel.  If the result of the second roll is greater than the result of the first roll, the Contender wins the Duel.  If the results of the two rolls are equal, the current round ends.

Replace “The only legal attacks in a duel, along with any effects of those attacks to be administered by the DDA Commander or Admin, are listed below.” in sub-rule 2.14.2 Attacks with “The only legal attacks that a Duellist may choose, along with the effects of those attacks, are listed below.”

Replace “The only legal defences in a duel, along with any effects of those attacks to be administered by the DDA Commander or Admin, are listed below.” in sub-rule 2.14.3 Defences with “The only legal defences that a Duellist may choose, along with the effects of those defences, are listed below.”

Remove the text “If both Duellists make a defence in the same round, both defences fail and the effects are not administered.” from the sub-rule 2.14.3 Defences.

Replace “New DDA Members start with a value of 0 for their Strength statistic.” in sub-rule 2.6.3 Strength with “New DDA Members start with a value of 1 for their Strength statistic.”

Replace “New DDA Members start with a value of 0 for their Agility statistic.” in sub-rule 2.6.4 Agility with “New DDA Members start with a value of 1 for their Agility statistic.”

Add 1 to the STR and AGI statistics of each DDA Member.

If at least half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “I like that effect better.”, replace “If the Opponent attacks with a Full Frontal Strike, the Attacker wins the Duel. If the Opponent attacks with a Side Swipe, both attacks fail.” in sub-rule 2.14.2 Attacks with the following text:

If the Opponent also attacks with a Side Swipe, this attack and the Opponent’s attack fails and the current round ends.  If the Opponent attacks with a Full Frontal Strike, the attack succeeds and the Attacker wins the Duel.  If this attack has not failed and the Attacker’s AGI is greater than the Opponent’s STR, the attack succeeds.  If the attack succeeds, subtract DICEY from the Opponent’s STR statistic, where Y is the Attacker’s AGI statistic.  If the Opponent’s STR statistic falls below 1, the Attacker wins the Duel and the Opponent’s STR statistic is set to the value for new DDA Members.



20-06-2008 15:21:28 UTC

for Explicit author for

I like that effect better.


20-06-2008 16:57:43 UTC



20-06-2008 19:38:18 UTC

for I do not like that attack better. Permanent stat loss ‘for the lose’, to use net lingo…

Darknight: he/him

20-06-2008 22:20:15 UTC



21-06-2008 01:46:39 UTC

I’m still open to suggestions…


21-06-2008 19:50:18 UTC

There needs to be some way to win using agility and I thought that would be a good way: you whittle down your opponent’s strength until they have nothing left.


22-06-2008 04:02:46 UTC



25-06-2008 18:37:24 UTC
