Proposal: Loaded Base
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 27 Aug 2020 15:59:41 UTC
In the rule Crafting, change the sentence ‘Each Craft recipe has Materials, Tools and Output, listed below as “Materials + Tools = Output”:’ to read:
Each Craft recipe has Components, Apparatus and Output. Each Craft recipe must be rendered in the format “Components + Apparatus = Output”. Components may be Materials or Equipment; Apparatus must be Equipment. The known Craft recipes can be found below.
In the same rule, change the line “A Pathfinder who is carrying both the Materials and Tools for a Craft recipe can spend 1 Stamina to stop carrying its Materials and start carrying its Output. If any of the Tools are Single-Use, the Pathfinder also stops carrying them, as if they were Materials.” to read:
A Pathfinder who is carrying both the Components and Apparatus for a Craft recipe can spend 1 Stamina to stop carrying its Components and start carrying its Output. If any of the Apparatus are Single-Use, the Pathfinder also stops carrying them.
Add the following to the list of recipes in the same rule:
Probe and any Equipment + Rappel Cords = Loaded Probe [x], where x is the Equipment used as a Component other than the required Probe
In the rule The Probaliser, change all instances of the word ‘Probe’ to ‘Probe or Loaded Probe’. Add the following as a final step to the Using the Probaliser atomic action:
If a Loaded Probe was expended to use the Probaliser, set the Equipment in square brackets in its name as the Gear of the newly created base.
derrick: he/him
Materials has no meaning outside of the crafting rules, to designate items that the pathfinder stops carrying. The other things that can be carried right now are “products”