Proposal: Location, Location, Location
Reached quorum 8 votes to 0, enacted by Kevan. Looks like the Cortex Desert defaults to linking to itself.
Adminned at 14 Aug 2020 16:33:46 UTC
If Proposal: Low-Key Sun was not enacted then this proposal does nothing.
Reword the rule Locations as follows:
The Pathfinders have landed on a region of New Ganymede that they have named the Cortex Desert on the Haniverian Continent. There are a number of Locations within the Haniversian Continent; these are tracked on the Mission Control wiki page. The Mission Control wiki page also contains a visual depiction of the continent.
A Location has the following characteristics:
* An index number, which is the lowest positive integer that has not been used by another Location
* A topology, which is randomly selected from the following: forest, rainforest, savannah, grassland, lake, desert, hills, mountains, taiga, glacier
* A name, which is randomly selected from the EFF Wordlist (re-rolling if the result is currently in use in the name of another Location) followed by the location’s Topology
* Any number of Links to other Locations. When a Location is created, it is Linked to the Location of the Pathfinder who created it. Whenever a Link is created it may be assumed that it is created reciprocally (i.e. that a link from A to B also creates a link from B to A).Each Pathfinder has a Location, which defaults to The Cortex Desert.
Pathfinders may make Location Actions. Available movement actions are as follows:
* Create a new location: roll DICE8. If the result is higher than the number of Locations that are Linked to their current Location, then they may spend 2 Stamina to create a new Location with the characteristics set out above
* Create a new Link from their current Location to a Location that is no more than one Location removed from it by spending 1 StaminaWhenever a Pathfinder successfully completes a Location Action they should then download, amend and re-upload the map on the Mission Control page to show the location and links of the new Location.
A Pathfinder can Travel by paying 1 Stamina, changing their Location to another which is Linked to their current Location.
The Computer can change a Location’s name at any time by generating a new one as per the criteria above.
Create a Location called the Cortex Desert, with an Index Number of 1 and a Topology of Desert. Set the map to this image as per its form at its upload at 16:30 UTC, 13 August 2020.
Raven1207: Monarchple he/they