Thursday, August 13, 2020

Proposal: Location, Location, Location

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0, enacted by Kevan. Looks like the Cortex Desert defaults to linking to itself.

Adminned at 14 Aug 2020 16:33:46 UTC

If Proposal: Low-Key Sun was not enacted then this proposal does nothing.

Reword the rule Locations as follows:

The Pathfinders have landed on a region of New Ganymede that they have named the Cortex Desert on the Haniverian Continent. There are a number of Locations within the Haniversian Continent; these are tracked on the Mission Control wiki page. The Mission Control wiki page also contains a visual depiction of the continent.

A Location has the following characteristics:
* An index number, which is the lowest positive integer that has not been used by another Location
* A topology, which is randomly selected from the following: forest, rainforest, savannah, grassland, lake, desert, hills, mountains, taiga, glacier
* A name, which is randomly selected from the EFF Wordlist (re-rolling if the result is currently in use in the name of another Location) followed by the location’s Topology
* Any number of Links to other Locations. When a Location is created, it is Linked to the Location of the Pathfinder who created it. Whenever a Link is created it may be assumed that it is created reciprocally (i.e. that a link from A to B also creates a link from B to A).

Each Pathfinder has a Location, which defaults to The Cortex Desert.

Pathfinders may make Location Actions. Available movement actions are as follows:

* Create a new location: roll DICE8. If the result is higher than the number of Locations that are Linked to their current Location, then they may spend 2 Stamina to create a new Location with the characteristics set out above
* Create a new Link from their current Location to a Location that is no more than one Location removed from it by spending 1 Stamina

Whenever a Pathfinder successfully completes a Location Action they should then download, amend and re-upload the map on the Mission Control page to show the location and links of the new Location.

A Pathfinder can Travel by paying 1 Stamina, changing their Location to another which is Linked to their current Location.

The Computer can change a Location’s name at any time by generating a new one as per the criteria above.

Create a Location called the Cortex Desert, with an Index Number of 1 and a Topology of Desert. Set the map to this image as per its form at its upload at 16:30 UTC, 13 August 2020.


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

13-08-2020 16:43:46 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-08-2020 16:48:31 UTC

If the EFF Wordlist trying to stop players adding silly names, or to enforce silly names? I’m sure there are better corpora of adjectives out there, if it’s the former.

And are you intending the links to be tracked by the map graphic, or tracked in a text description with the map containing some but probably not all locations (in situations where the explorer is unable or unwilling to do the “should then download, amend and re-upload” step, and skips it)?

Josh: he/they

13-08-2020 16:51:14 UTC

The main virtue of the EFF wordlist is that it is on-site and therefore seems to be trustworthy, but I’m not wedded to it. It’s trivial to change by amendment though if we decide to adopt something more flavourful.

I think that the map should be illustrative but the wiki entry should be definitive. An amendment could be raised that makes it legal for players to correct the map to reflect gamestate, but the protections around that might need some thinking out.

Lulu: she/her

13-08-2020 16:53:09 UTC

for but the index number thing seems a bit iffy

Kevan: he/him

13-08-2020 17:09:00 UTC

Maybe we should appoint an official mission cartographer.

The indices do seem redundant, if that’s what Jumble means. I’d rather see placenames on the map, which (if it’s going to be a tiny sidebar thumbnail) we’ll have to zoom into anyway.



13-08-2020 17:31:47 UTC


Darknight: he/him

13-08-2020 18:02:59 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-08-2020 18:19:17 UTC

Hmm, this erases the location of “The Haniver”, which at the point of enactment will likely by the default location for all Pathfinders and Things. But I guess they’ll default to “the alphabetically earliest legal [Location]” instead. This might get weird.

derrick: he/him

13-08-2020 19:42:06 UTC



13-08-2020 20:03:29 UTC
