Proposal: Lost: One Ark
Timed out 4 votes to 5. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Jan 2013 05:50:47 UTC
As a subrule to “Artifacts”, enact a new rule, “Raiding”:-
As a weekly action, a Believer may attempt to raid another Cult by submitting an Order specifying an intent to Raid, and listing their own current Location, the name of a Cult they wish to target, and the name of a Cult they belong to which will benefit.
Upon the Auspex processing such an Order, if the raiding Believer is located in the targetted Cult’s Headquarters, then half of that Cult’s Artifacts (rounded up) are transferred to the benefitting Cult. The raiding Believer is informed of his or her action’s success and the number of Artifacts transferred, and the Leaders of both Cults are informed of the change to their Artifact collection.
If upon processing such an order the raiding Believer is not located in the targetted Cult’s Headquarters, then the action fails and the Auspex shall post a blog entry naming the Believer, the Location they were attempting to raid and the Cult that they were targetting.
Interesting - I like the idea, but it shouldn’t be automatic. It should be harder either with power or if the leader or believers of said cult is there. (or secret score?)