Proposal: Machine? What Machine?
Reached quorum 10 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Aug 2021 18:14:26 UTC
Replace the section of the rules that reads
Each Worker may have up to six Machines in their Line; this is tracked as an ordered list that defaults to one Clink machine. A Worker may add a new, Cold instance of a Machine to any position in their Line by paying that Machine’s Cost. A Worker may Activate a cold Machine they have by paying its costs, setting its heat to Hot, and executing its effects.
with the text
Each Worker may have up to six Machines in their Line; this is tracked as an ordered list that defaults to one Clink machine. A Worker may add a new, Cold instance of a Machine to any position in their Line by paying that Machine’s Cost. A Worker may Activate a Cold Machine they have by paying its costs, setting its heat to Hot, and executing its effects. A Worker may Demolish a Cold Machine they have by removing it from their Line.
Currently there is no way to get rid of a machine if you no longer want it, this would change that. Not too much use right now but could become important later on.
Clucky: he/him
1) If passes, there will not be a section called “Machinery” just one called “Machines”. As its unclear if that proposal will pass or not, you might want to avoid mentioning the rule by name.
2) Generally you want to be careful about replacing large sections of text when you don’t need to. I think its actually good here because you can’t just talk about the “First paragraph of the rule machinery” due to the other proposals, but its something you want to keep an eye out for in the future because if there was another proposal that also edited this paragraph, the whole replace would fail whereas if you just went with an “Append the following here” then it would be fine.