Proposal: Make Capacity Count
Times out 2-4 and fails -SingularByte
Adminned at 15 Feb 2023 18:52:33 UTC
Add the following as a new fourth paragraph to the rule Location:
A Location may never have more Villagers in that Location than its Capacity. If a Location is set as the Location of more Villagers than its Capacity then it is Over Capacity. A Villager may not move to a Location that is Over Capacity. Whenever a Location is Over Capacity, any Villager may remove Villagers from that Location, in order from the most recent arrivee, until it is no longer Over Capacity. Villagers thus removed have their Location Set to the first available location by the following heuristic: first, the closest (by Length of Route) non-Outdoor Location that would not be Over Capacity following such a move; second, the closest (by Length of Route) Outdoor Location that would not be Over Capacity following such a move; third, the Village Square.
Kevan: he/him
Kicking everyone out into the snow upon enactment except for yourself, Lendunistus, Darknight and SingularByte (assuming you all sit tight) also seems harsh.