Proposal: Make God Chuckle
Undid enactment: Forgot to check the queue and accidentally enacted early -SingularByte
proposal was then withdrawn -lemon
Adminned at 23 Jul 2023 20:33:37 UTC
In the rule Initialisation Phase 2, replace the bullet point that starts “Delete all Agendas”, and its subordinate bullet points, with the following:
* Delete any Agendas for which any of the following are true:
** It attempts to manipulate or amend any aspect of the undertaking of this Action;
** Its fulfilment requires knowledge, context, understanding, or capability that would not be available to a random recipient of that Agenda with the gamestate of a newly-joining player;
** It relies for its effect upon any phenomena that sits outside of the BlogNomic ruleset, or requires any action that is not governed explicitly by the BlogNomic dynastic ruleset (beyond simply being present in an Agenda);
** It mentions an initialisation key but does not require any engagement with the mechanics related to that key to take place in order for that agenda to be fulfilled;
** It uniquely identifies specific Machinists (other than by referring to the current holder of the Agenda), or it refers to any of the mechanics described by the Special Case rules Declared Alliances or No Private Communications;
** The Great Machine judges it to be unfairly easy or difficult to Fulfill.
this is a direct reprisal of Josh’s Make God Laugh, with the last bullet point replaced with its currently-existing equivalent as a compromise. the only actual problem i had with that proposal was the last bullet; everything else was good!! i figure that any future proposals which attempt an alternate variation of this last bullet shouldn’t have to retread all of that other ground as well.