Proposal: Making Actions Easier
Passes 5-0 with Quorum FOR after 47 hours. -Bucky
Adminned at 27 Nov 2014 02:20:43 UTC
Add a new rule, “Once-an-Orbit Actions”:
If a game action is a Once-an-Orbit Action, each Shuttle able to perform it may take that action if and only if they have not already taken that action since changing Orbits.
If “Derelicts” is a rule, reword it to read:
Derelicts are a type of Proxy. Any Shuttle with the same Orbit as a Derelict, as a Once-an-Orbit Action, may cause that Derelict to take a GNDT action.
There are three Derelicts: MC Geran, MC Damanor and MC Keitalia.
I’m not sure whether this should be a keyword or not, but I figure since it’s dynasty specific we probably want to make it a regular rule.
I posted this at 3:24 UTC, by the way. I definitely posted it after “Bang!”