Proposal: Making Requests
unpopular 1-4 with 1 def failed by card
Adminned at 25 May 2019 06:17:17 UTC
replace the paragraph in “Drops” starting with “If no Drop post exists” with the following:
A block description is an unambiguous description of the shape and Module arrangement of a single Block, listing the Modules in the order of the numbers on the shape’s depiction. (eg. “An T-Block of Dock, Corridor, Power, Dock.”) The default block description is an O-block with all corridors.
Each architect has a request, which is a block description tracked on the [[Moon Sites]] Page under their Site. An architect may change their block description at any time.
If no drop post exists, any Architect may make a blog post listing the request of the architect first in the bidding queue and moving the architect first the queue’s name to the end of the bidding queue. Such a blog post is known as a Drop post. If Axemabaro’s request is the default and he has not made a drop post, only he may make a drop post. If the preceding sentence has no effect, any admin may remove it from the rule set.
is more than 36 hours old
is more than 47 hours old
I thought this system could use a touch more automation. Now we can start reacting to a new drop post as soon as the old one is closed.
I put a clause in so that Axemabaro could keep his turn.
As the drop system is now faster, I slowed down its replacement so that everyone has the full two days to react. I used 47 instead of 48 to prevent the time from steadily drifting later.
Kevan: he/him
Not sure I like the last-minute strategy this creates - there’s an incentive to conceal your Request until the previous Drop is almost over, so that opponents can’t plan around it (or can even be misled into preparing for a fake Request that you change at the last minute). That’s a tactic available to players who can check in frequently and be awake at the right time, and not available to those who can’t.
(Also, working out what an empty Request would default to here is an interesting challenge - what is the “alphabetically earliest legal text string” describing a Block?)