Monday, July 25, 2022

Proposal: Making the bot your own

Times out 2-4 and fails -SingularByte

Adminned at 27 Jul 2022 12:27:55 UTC

Create a subrule of Bot Loadout called Mods:

Every component (chassis, engine or system) may have any number of mods. The presence of mods on a component is signified by prefixing the name of the component with those mods. Mods may not be added to or removed from a component that is already installed in a bot or inside a Spare Parts Bin and it can only be added at the moment that the component is purchased, unless otherwise stated.  A given mod may only be installed on a given instance of a component once unless otherwise stated.

The properties a mod has are a name, optionally a cost adjustment (in the form of a multiplier or a flat increase or decrease) to the component it is installed on, optionally a consumption adjustment (in the form of a multiplier or a flat increase or decrease) to the component it is installed on, optionally an effect, and a list of Eligibility Criteria for which components may have that mod. The multipliers for the cost adjustment and consumption adjustment may be any positive real number. Engines may gain a consumption as a result of mods, and default to a consumption of 0.

If a mod refers to itself as a component, system, engine or chassis, it is considered to be referring to the component, system, engine or chassis that the mod is installed on.

The mods are:

{| class="wikitable"
|+ Mods
! Name || Cost Adjustment || Consumption Adjustment || Effect || Eligibility Criteria
| Polearm || x1.5 || x1.2 || Melee range for this system is 3 to 5 spaces in front of the actor || Any melee system
| Stubby || x0.75 || - || Melee range for this system is 1 space in front of the actor || Any melee system
| Side-mounted || x1.75 || - || This system is able to be used while the actor is flipped || Any non-passive system
| Back-mounted || - || - || Any references this system's effect makes to anything in front of the actor is instead referring to behind the actor. Melee range is counts the spaces behind the bot rather than in front of it. || Any system
| Twin-linked || x2 || x3 || This system's effect applies twice whenever it is used. This system is installed in two hardpoints instead of one. || Any non-passive system
| Resilient || x2 || - || This component takes half condition loss (rounded down). || Any component
| Fragile || x0.75 || - || This component takes double condition loss. || Any component
| Mound-shaped || +800 || - || If the bot with this chassis would gain the Flipped status, they do not. Due to being a larger target, any condition loss that any systems of the bot with this chassis would receive is also received by its chassis. Due to the unusual shape, this chassis has 1 hardpoint fewer than its model would normally dictate. || Any chassis
| Lunge-capable || +500 || +75 || If the bot with this engine uses a melee system, they move forwards 1 space before using the melee system. || Any engine
| Sponsored || - || - || If viewership scores are calculated for the bout by the announcer, that viewership score is 3 less for this bot but money earned from the bout is increased by 400 irrespective of whether the bout has been won or lost. This effect only applies at most once per bot per bout, irrespective of how many sponsored components that bot has. || Any component

Apply the mound-shaped mod to the chassis of every bot that has the Mound-Shaped Body system. Remove the Mound-shaped body entry from the rule Systems and from the list of systems of every bot that has that system.

In BotScript, reword the sentence “If it’s a Melee System and the Opponent’s Bot is not in any of the three spaces immediately in front of the reacting Bot, then the System’s Effect is instead not used.” to:

If it’s a Melee System and the Opponent’s Bot is not in melee range of the reacting Bot (by default, 1 to 3 spaces immediately in front of the actor), then the System’s Effect is instead not used.

If you’ve ever wanted the chance to use a sponsored back-mounted side-mounted resilient twin-linked polearm grinder, this is the proposal for you.


Brendan: he/him

25-07-2022 11:34:11 UTC

Hmm, this contains a big boost to players who invested in Mound-Shaped without any corresponding buff to those of us who invested in an Inverter Driver.

SingularByte: he/him

25-07-2022 11:50:32 UTC

Fair point, I’ve now decreased the hardpoints by 1 so that the mod version is now pretty much completely equivalent to the system version.

Brendan: he/him

25-07-2022 12:13:40 UTC

Thank you!

lendunistus: he/him

25-07-2022 17:39:36 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

25-07-2022 18:08:36 UTC

I’ve not fully seen this but a Twin-linked Axe is quite a big rebuy. against

Brendan: he/him

25-07-2022 19:35:01 UTC


Josh: he/they

25-07-2022 20:40:53 UTC


Lulu: she/her

25-07-2022 20:54:45 UTC


Lulu: she/her

25-07-2022 21:00:19 UTC

for cov

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

25-07-2022 22:02:44 UTC

against As this makes it really expensive to rebuy stuff equivilant to whatever you might have lost during the last fight.

Darknight: he/him

26-07-2022 02:46:21 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

26-07-2022 16:19:57 UTC

I’m not really sure of the purpose of making Mound shaped body into a mod rather than a system, as it’s functionally identical (aside from needing to buy it when you get your chassis rather than later) imperial

lendunistus: he/him

26-07-2022 18:26:05 UTC

actually cov against

sponsored is just +400 right now and I could see some other OP combinations coming from this
plus, more words bad