Proposal: Master of Drone
Timed out 6 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 11 Oct 2021 09:33:55 UTC
Add a new rule, “Defence Control”, after Engineering, and with the following content:
Earthlink Tower’s defence grid is able to override drone control in the airspace around it. If a proposal includes the [Defence] tag and would not directly amend any Core or Appendix rules, it is a Defensive Proposal. The Drone may not cast a vote of DEF or AGAINST on a Defensive Proposal, and should vote FOR it.
{{zone rule|If a Defensive Proposal was posted by a Citizen who was not located in Defence Control at the time of its posting, the Drone should cast a vote of VETO on it.}}
Belated callback to the ascension address.
Josh: he/they
The zone rule doesn’t really work; zone rules only have the effect of inhibiting Citizen actions, and don’t have any impact on the Drone that makes them distinct from regular ruletext. In this case it might as well just be part of the rule.
Otherwise, strong greentick.