Proposal: Mentor Mapping [Appendix]
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Aug 2020 08:13:44 UTC
To the end of the rule “Mentors”, add:-
Gamblers who are willing to act as a Mentor are listed on the [[Mentorships]] wiki page. A Gambler may add or remove their own name from this list at any time.
The Mentors rule refers to players who have “indicated their willingness to act as a mentor”, with no formal way of tracking that - I’m not sure who has indicated this, in the past. Let’s track it.
Relatedly, Raven1207 has now agreed through private message to be assigned a Mentor. I already raised this on the Slack Mentor channel, but if anybody wants to informally indicate willingness to be a Mentor while this proposal is pending, they can be assigned.
Raven1207: he/they