Proposal: Metadynastizing
self-killed failed by card
Adminned at 15 Apr 2018 03:34:49 UTC
Declare a meta-dynasty themed as below:
If the largest plurality of people have the string “1.6180339887498948482045868” in their comment, declare the metadynasty of Two Rooms and a Boom.
If the largest plurality of people have the string “3.14159265358979323846264338” in their comment, declare the metadynasty of the Resistance.
Ties should be randomly broken.
Activity post, not serious post.
if you want to declare a metadynasty I don’t have too much of a complaint at this point (except that the last metadynasty was so soon ago);

however this way of declaring one fails to do important things such as removing the “Mutual Victory” rule.