Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Proposal: Migrant Mobility

Times out 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 16 Sep 2022 10:38:51 UTC

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Society”:

An entity’s Levy consists of all Migrants with an Allegiance to that entity, and all Migrants with an Allegiance to other Migrants in the entity’s Levy. A Baron or Human King owns all Migrants in their Levy regardless of where they are, as well as Migrants in their Stockpile (if applicable) and Independent Migrants in their Keep.

In the rule “Keeps”, change

Each Keep has 8 publicly tracked and ordered slots, each of which may contain up to one Infrastructure. If an Infrastructure’s effect contains the [Defensive] tag, it may only be placed in the first three slots of a Keep.


Each Keep has 8 publicly tracked and ordered slots. The first slot is the Exterior. The remaining slots may each contain up to one Infrastructure. If an Infrastructure’s effect contains the [Defensive] tag, it may only be placed in the second, third or fourth slot of a Keep.

A Keep’s Exterior can hold an unlimited amount of Resources. Resources in a Keep’s Exterior are generally not considered to be owned by the owner of the Keep. A Keep is Besieged if its Exterior contains at least one Migrant that is hostile to the Keep’s owner.

If an Infrastructure in a Keep contains no hostile Migrants, the Keep’s owner may place resources there from his Stockpile, although he must respect its Maximum Population. A Baron may freely transfer Migrants between Infrastructures in adjacent slots in his Keep that contain no hostile Migrants, again provided that he respects their Maximum Populations. Any Baron or Human King may move Migrants that are in both their Levy and either their non-Besieged Keep or a Slum to the Exterior of any Keep.

Move any Infrastructures in a Keep’s first slot to the earliest subsequent slot in that Keep with no Infrastructure.

Add the following text to the end of the rule “Human Kings”:

Migrants with an Allegiance to a Human King are Hostile to every Baron that has no Human Alliance with that Human King.

Add a House to the fifth slot of each Human Keep. Add two Migrant (Man) and two Migrant (Elf) with Allegiance to the Keep’s owner to each of those Houses.

Until now, all common Migrants have been stuck in Stockpiles or dumped in the Slums. This lets Barons put Migrants in a variety of places, and keep control of them if holding their Allegiance (mechanic pending).



14-09-2022 02:01:16 UTC

Probably ought to remove the preexisting clause in “Infrastructure” stating that a Baron can move Migrants between their Stockpile and Infrastructures at any time, otherwise the hostility bit about being unable to move migrants has no effect (you can just move a Migrant to your stockpile and exile it to a Slum before moving it to whichever exterior you want).


14-09-2022 02:29:35 UTC

Too late, unfortunately. I had completely forgotten that never-used clause existed.


14-09-2022 03:44:37 UTC

Either way, the mechanic probably won’t come into play for a while with no Infrastructures on the board yet and the follow-up proposal can always fix it so for

SingularByte: he/him

14-09-2022 05:03:20 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

14-09-2022 12:40:27 UTC


nixnull: they/them

15-09-2022 19:51:44 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

16-09-2022 04:33:29 UTC
