Friday, July 15, 2022

Proposal: Minute to Win It

Reached quorum, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 16 Jul 2022 17:08:08 UTC

In “Ending a Bout”, replace every instance of the word “ten” with “sixty”.

Letting the eventful Bouts play out would put more weight on how well a bot has been designed and programmed, and (per my comment on On a Short Fuse) would make the potentially short lifespan of a cheap system much more significant, if your Axe snaps off but your opponent still has theirs. Sudden Death should really only kick in when nothing else is going to happen.

Hopefully this isn’t too much of a grind for Josh to process, I’m assuming most Bouts will either hit a stalemate or settle down into a predictable loop, after a few turns?


SingularByte: he/him

15-07-2022 07:57:55 UTC

I’ll likely vote in favour of this - Josh can veto it if sixty is too much.
Should this be checking for all three instances of “ten”, since otherwise it might just hit one of them?

Kevan: he/him

15-07-2022 08:11:35 UTC

May as well.

SingularByte: he/him

15-07-2022 13:21:45 UTC


Darknight: he/him

15-07-2022 13:54:21 UTC


Josh: he/they

15-07-2022 14:10:40 UTC



15-07-2022 14:20:20 UTC

I don’t think this actually discourages cheap systems at all. In the current rules to end a bout, it ends as soon as a System is disabled, so extending the time limit won’t extend most Bouts, except the ones that have hit a stalemate / loop.


Kevan: he/him

15-07-2022 14:33:07 UTC

Oh, huh, I’d misread TKO as being more than that. Good news, then.

If it’s possible to have a Bout that takes more than 10 turns to reach a TKO (which seems possible with a lot of Scratch Damage, or some back-and-forth that shimmies around a while before suddenly hitting a critical position), I think it’d be more rewarding to let that play out, rather than reaching for random tiebreaker explosions after just a few rounds.

Lulu: she/her

15-07-2022 14:58:58 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

15-07-2022 17:22:00 UTC


Brendan: he/him

15-07-2022 17:37:40 UTC
