More tweaking (6 comments) UPDATE—I’m tweaking even MORE more stuff to try to fix Kevan’s

UPDATE—I’m tweaking even MORE more stuff to try to fix Kevan’s problems.  Sorry if stuff breaks for someone else; loginness might be funkified in particular.



23-12-2005 19:40:59 UTC

should we idle him for now for quorum’s sake?

Elias IX:

24-12-2005 19:21:13 UTC

for Kevan made a comment in the GNDT. Consider it done.

Kevan: he/him

27-12-2005 13:12:42 UTC

Back after Christmas. Let’s see if this works, then…

Kevan: he/him

27-12-2005 13:12:56 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-12-2005 13:15:22 UTC

Although, eh, still can’t do anything through the blog-admin pages; getting the password-entry page repeatedly, again.


27-12-2005 16:39:34 UTC

Cookie problem, perhaps?  Are you on your own computer, or someone else’s?