Thursday, February 16, 2006

Proposal: Motley Review

9-2, timed out. Enacted! - Elias IX

Adminned at 18 Feb 2006 16:28:03 UTC

In Special Motley, reword “Three Bars” to:-

Bar. Can be sold at port for 12 doubloons instead of the usual 4.

Reword “Curse” to:-

Curse. Swashbuckler may not initiate duels. If a cursed Swashbuckler’s GPS is above six, it is reduced to six.

Remove “Any combination of Motley: May not specifically buy ‘Bar’ when docked at port, but may buy a random FRUIT.” (it’s a weird place to say this, and is covered by the new Not For Purchase) and remove “unless rolled as a FRUIT die on the first roll” from the Not For Purchase list.

Add a Port Action:-

Black Market - 8 doubloons buys a mystery sack; the Swashbuckler should roll a FRUIT die in the GNDT to see what it contains, and add it to their Motley.

Replace “Certain Motley, or combinations of Motley, have certain effects as long as they are true:” with:-

Certain Motley, or combinations of Motley, provide special effects while carried by a Swashbuckler:

And replace “Should a special motley change from true to false, any GPS bonuses on account of that special motley reverse themselves immediately afterwards.” with:-

If a Swashbuckler’s Motley is changed to remove Motley which gives a plus or minus to GPS, then that GPS modifier is immediately reversed.

And finally, replace “Two hooks: GPS reduced by half.” (which is weird to reverse) with:-

Two hooks: Swashbuckler gets no bonuses from Cutlasses.


Josh: he/they

16-02-2006 09:44:30 UTC

for All makes sense to me.


16-02-2006 11:48:13 UTC



16-02-2006 13:21:56 UTC



16-02-2006 14:32:55 UTC



16-02-2006 16:30:26 UTC

for arrr, nice job swabbin’ the ruleset.


16-02-2006 17:30:06 UTC



16-02-2006 18:22:22 UTC

against  and I suggest a veto due to the effects of a pirate buying a snorkel and inner tube, then selling the snorkel. (sets GPS to 20)

Elias IX:

16-02-2006 18:47:28 UTC

S’fixable… probably.  for


16-02-2006 22:02:07 UTC

Why bless your sharp lookout, Bucky! There is an infinite GPS scam here; GPS was not defined to hold negative values so the glossary default variable type holds: non-negative integers only. Perhaps someone will fix it before we hit port.


16-02-2006 22:10:58 UTC

oh no, not infinite: GPS 20 as you said.


16-02-2006 22:28:32 UTC



16-02-2006 22:45:32 UTC

I spotted this before I made my proposal which introduced “The Nerd.”  That’s why I used the word “bonus” where this proposal says “modifier.”


16-02-2006 23:52:49 UTC


Kevan: he/him

17-02-2006 07:48:25 UTC

Hmm, where does it say that GPS can’t be negative?


17-02-2006 13:04:29 UTC

From The Glossary… (Section 3?)

“Unless otherwise specified, game variables defined to hold numeric values can hold only non-negative integers, and any action that would set those values below zero instead sets them to zero.”


17-02-2006 20:37:21 UTC

Could you buy and sell bars infinitely to generate booty?


Elias IX:

18-02-2006 00:02:54 UTC

Ye can’t buy Bar anyway. Ye might get lucky and acheive one through black market, but ye can’t buy Bar because of the Not For Purchase rule.


18-02-2006 20:53:18 UTC

What is the definition of a Fruit Die?