Proposal: Movement
Timed out. Passes. Enacted by Clucky
Adminned at 15 Mar 2007 18:32:35 UTC
If Proposal Map, Take 2 failed, this one does nothing.
Add a Tickets rule:
There are three types of Tickets an Agent may posses: Air Tickets, Sea Tickets or Land Tickets. The number of each type of Ticket possessed by each Agent is tracked in the GNDT.
When a new agent enters the game, the Admin adding then to the GNDT shall roll DICE3 three times. For each dice roll, e shall add 2 and put the resulting number respectively in the Air Tickets, Sea Tickets and Land Tickets columns of the new Agent in the GNDT.
Often, if an Agent is in a Supply Center, e may make an DICE4 roll. If the result is 1, e may increase eir Air Tickets by one; if the result is 2, e may increase eir Sea Tickets by one and if the result is 3, e may increase eir Land Tickets by one. If e rolls 4, nothing happens.
For each Agent currently existing, roll DICE3 three times. For each dice roll, add 2 and put the resulting number respectively in the Air Tickets, Sea Tickets and Land Tickets columns of that Agent in the GNDT.
Add a Movement rule
Often, a particular Agent may choose to move from the Territory in which e is then located to another Territory, adjacent to the one e is leaving, if the following conditions are met:
* If both Territories are land Territories and are not both Aiport Territories, the Agent must spend 1 Land Ticket before doing eir movement.
* If both Territories are Aiport Territories, the Agent must spend 1 Air Ticket before doing eir movement.
* If either or both Territories are sea Territories, the Agent must spend 1 Sea Ticket before doing eir movement.
An Agent may only spend a Ticket if e has more than Zero of the adequate type of Ticket. When spending a Ticket, an Agent must decrease the amount e has of the adequate type of Ticket.
Particular Gadgets or other Rules may permit other kinds of movements.
Upon moving, an Agent must also, within 1 hour of registering eir Ticket spending in the GNDT, send a private message to the Mastermind identifying emself and stating that e is moving from Y to Z (substituting Y for the territory that e is leaving and Z for the territory that e is entering).
Add an Iron Curtain Sub-Rule to Movement:
Iron Curtain: The following territories are considered to be “Behind the Iron Curtainâ€: MUR (Murmansk), URA (Urals), SIB (Siberia), STP (St. Petersburg), GOR (Gorky), VOL (Volga), MOS (Moscow), CRP (Central Russian Plateau), ROS (Rostov), CAU (Caucasus), KAZ (Kazakhstan), AZE (Azerbaijan), ARM (Armenia), GEO (Georgia), DON, KHA (Kharkov), SEV (Sevastopol), ODE (Odessa), KIE (Kiev), POD (Podolia), RUM (Rumania), MOL (Moldova), BUL (Bulgaria), MAC (Macedonia), ALB (Albania), SER (Serbia), BOS (Bosnia), CRO (Croatia), HUN (Hungary), SLO (Slovakia), CZE (Czech), SAX (Saxony), BER (Berlin), PRU (Prussia), SIL (Silesia), GDA (Gdansk), WAR (Warsaw), KRA (Krakow), BIE (Bielorussia), LIT (Lithuania), LAT (Latvia), EST (Estonia).
All other Territories are considered to be “The Free Worldâ€.
An Agent may not move from a territory in The Free World to a territory Behind the Iron Curtain, or vice versa, unless the Agent has a Gadget that permits that Agent to make such a move; or another Rule permits the move.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “No Curtain”, delete the Iron Curtain sub-rule.
Hix: Idle