Proposal: Mustlessness
Timed out 4 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Jul 2019 17:24:35 UTC
In “Duel”, replace “The duelists must submit a plan by sending a private message” with “Each duelist may submit a plan by sending a private message”.
Replace “If 48 hours have passed since the start of the duel and only one of the duelists has submitted a valid plan, that duelist is the Triumphant. If 48 hours have passed and neither duelist submitted a valid plan, a Triumphant is decided by way of a random DICE2 roll in the GNDT. ” with:-
If 48 hours have passed since the start of the duel and only one of the duelists has submitted a valid plan, the Judge may declare that duelist to be the Triumphant. If 48 hours have passed and neither duelist submitted a valid plan, the Judge may randomly select one of those duelists as the Triumphant.
Replace “The judge must then post a comment on the duel’s blog entry detailing the creature slots, Strengths, wins, and which duelist was the Triumphant.” with:-
The judge may then post a comment on the duel’s blog entry detailing the creature slots, Strengths, wins, and which duelist was the Triumphant.
Rewording duels to avoid the aggressive “musts” (as demonstrated with this recent duel, what happens if the Judge decides not to judge? What if they go idle?) and automatic effects (assigning a Triumphant automatically after 48 hours even if nobody - not even the Judge - knows who it is).
derrick: he/him
I’d like to see an enforcement mechanism to keep judges from filibustering rules.