Proposal: My Final Offer
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 22 Jul 2014 02:26:49 UTC
To the second paragraph of “Flea Market”, add:-
Once an Offer has been made for a Good, if the same Good (or another Good with the same Name, Category, Subcategory and Significance as it) is taken to the Flea Market, it will receive the same Offer instead of an Offer being randomly generated.
If any Offers were accepted which differed from earlier duplicate Offers on the same Goods (or other Goods with the same Name, Category, Subcategory and Significance), the Pounds gained from accepting each such Offer shall be deducted from its Seller’s Profit.
Discouraging people from bringing the same item back a few times to try to get a better offer (or sound out the chances of it being Rare or Forged). The maths of the ideal selling point under that system is a bit interesting, but the spam isn’t.