Proposal: Names mean something
Qourum reached: 5-0
Poster: 25
Voters (Axeling, Amnistar, Chronos, Seebo) 5
All Active: 5
DNA Pool: 5
Enactor: 6
Adminned at 21 Apr 2007 09:41:01 UTC
Add a new rule called “Prayer”
A lifeform’s name score is defined as follows: X MOD Z where X is the twice the number of vowels plus the number of consonants in the creature’s name and Z is the number of active lifeforms. (MOD Z is the remainder when X is divided by Z)
There exists a gameplay action called “community service”. To preform community service, a lifeform roles a DICEN where N is the sum total of the brain size of each lifeform with the same name score as the lifeform preforming the community service. (The lifeform performing the community service is included). A list is made of each of these lifeforms, as they appear in the creature page. Each lifeform is listed as many times as eir brain size. (and thus there are N lifeforms in the list). On a roll of Y, the Yth lifeform on this list receives N DNA points.
Add the following to “Energy”
Community Service: 1 Energy
Too confuse