Saturday, December 09, 2006

Proposal: New Tome

Not a valid proposal at the time.  -Saki

Adminned at 09 Dec 2006 15:53:02 UTC

Add to the Eldritch Tomes section,

Book of Earth (5 copies)

  • Sand-blast
    • Circumstances: This spell may be cast if there is a non-Lost, non-sleeping Student (the VICTIM), and the caster of this spell is not Lost, sleeping or with a Sanity of less than -50.
    • Consequences: The caster shall post a comment to the GNDT of “XDICE10 YDICE10” where X is the mythos of the caster and y is the mythos of the victim. If the X roll exceeds the Y roll, than the victim shall lose 15 sanity and gain 7 thirst. Otherwise, the caster loses 15 sanity and gains 7 thirst.
  • Mineral Rejuvenate
    • Circumstances: This spell may be cast if the caster has a mythos of at least 5 and is not in service to Nyarlothotep.
    • Consequences: The caster gains 10 sanity and loses 7 thirst.



09-12-2006 03:46:53 UTC

against The Mineral Rejuvenate spell is too powerful. I don’t want to see anyone with -1907598904 Thirst and 5 Sanity simply because they have 5 Mythos.


09-12-2006 05:00:40 UTC

I agree. I would vote for this if the sand blast spell was the only one, and it was just a bit less damaging (Maybe 5 sanity and 4 thirst) and had a time restriction (Often or Occasionally)


09-12-2006 09:29:04 UTC

against What Thrawn said.

I can’t do admin stuff now (I’m in a cyber caffe), but you can only vote and make proposals after you got your name in the sidebar.

So, this Proposal is not legal.


09-12-2006 14:37:05 UTC

Well, make me legal! I’ve done everything that the site told me to, and I don’t see why I have to wait for someone else to take an action to make it possible for me to join the game. Either change the rules, or set up the sidebar list automatically the way the E-mail on joining work.


09-12-2006 15:32:23 UTC

I’ve done the math, and you would have to do the Mineral Rejuvenate 272 million times to get to Saki’s number. Maybe we could change the rules so that you can’t go into negative thirst?