Wednesday, June 02, 2010

New user

With the start of a new dynasty this seemed like a good time to jump in.  I’m announcing my arrival per 1.2; I imagine this will increase quorum to 12.



02-06-2010 18:04:05 UTC

Okay, adding you, it’ll be just a moment.


02-06-2010 18:07:16 UTC

Welcome! I’ve sent you your GNDT password, and for two hours you shall be a Blognomicker. Then you shall be something else; it’s currently looking like your title will be NetHack-themed.


02-06-2010 18:28:15 UTC

Thanks.  I read the last dynasty’s rules through reasonably carefully so I have an idea of what came before (especially since there’s talk of keeping hooks).  The core rules are fairly simple so I don’t imagine that will cause trouble.